“There was a time when the contractual relationship between the employer and the employee was supposed to be none of the public’s business. That time has passed.”
– Frank Murphy
Have you ever been in those awkward situations where your employer fancies and favours you over other employees? It can get weird. I mean sure, it’s nice to get extra perks and feel appreciated. Yet it should never be at the expense of other people. This is part of employee wellbeing.
Leapsome Guide to Conducting 1-on-1 Meetings
We’ve also all heard about that boss who likes to keep things on the hush-hush, in the name of not upsetting the others. That time too has passed. In this article, we dig into leapsome guides to conducting 1-on-1 meetings. There is value in managing meetings with a purpose that benefits all employees.
Since Covid has largely changed working environments from on-site to hybrid work-from-home and office, the way employers interact with their employees has too. Consideration in the workforce is up a notch.
Mental wellness is one of the topics that have come to light. Imploring employers to tread lightly and show appreciation for their working force. 1-on-1 meetings happen more often so that employers stay in touch with their employees.
This comes with a lot of ‘do’s and don’t for employers and employees alike. Everyone is forced to be more mindful of the next. None of which imply that work standards should plummet. Not by any means.
Employee Wellbeing
It is a known fact these days that an unwell employee is not good for business. Hence all the interventions for employers to pay attention to their employees’ needs. Getting paid for your job is no longer enough.
The fact that people are working more from home does not mean that they are better off. If anything, that’s when the pressure mounts. Before the pandemic people were able to leave their homes and take a break from stressful home environments. In most present cases, they have to juggle work and home responsibilities, which can be a lot.
Flexible working hours and health and wellness benefits are some of the things employers are looking more into. Caring for your people has never been more accessible. Exercise regimes and healthy lifestyles have evolved. They are more gentle, as opposed to the traditional hard sweat and tears.

Employers find that they need to answer the following questions to be better employers and thus generate thriving businesses, or at least, working spaces: Are people getting paid enough to sustain a healthy lifestyle? Is their mental wellness something that’s cared for?
Do they get enough time to socialise outside of work? Are they supported emotionally within the workspace? Read on for a more detailed analysis of each of these questions. Including positive practice points for each of the states.
It matters whether someone has a social life outside of work because it implies that they get enough time to refresh and energise, which will benefit employee wellbeing. Enough time away takes off the workload. It matters the same for an employee to have healthy social interactions and boundaries with their colleagues.

When people feel ostracised by fellow workers it impacts more than their relationships. Their work gets affected if they don’t have control over it. People often suffer from depression and other psychological illnesses.
When one person feels alienated, what tends to follow is a sense of helplessness. If one member is undervalued, it affects the entire group as one side of the fulcrum carries more weight. Balance is everything in any place of work.
Understanding your employees’ needs eliminates the chances of them feeling under-appreciated. Employee social wellness is not something to take lightly by any means. Goals and team standards should be in place and made clear so that there is no room for alienation.
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Practice Points
Host social events for your employees so that they get to know one another and build relationships outside of the working environment.
Prompt your team to seek professional mental health help.
Incorporate a playful space by designing a social room, such as a gaming room. Thus encouraging engagement among employees.
Have one day out of the week with 30 minutes to an hour dedicated to team-building exercises.
Encourage your staff to communicate kindly and be assertive.
There are a few elements that connect to employee wellbeing. Such as their workload, physical health, and their family life. To name the main ones.
When it comes to the workload-companies are fast coming to the realization that it doesn’t make sense to pay employees amounts that do not add up to the amount of work required of them. All it does is build resentment from the employees. Who end up submitting sub-standard projects.
That’s why the right attitude to stress and well-being should matter to employers. It is an increasingly important responsibility for today’s employers. They risk losing their workforce and constantly finding themselves in the hiring process.
Exercise stimulates the brain and helps us approach and communicate our emotions. That’s why employers are often encouraged to take their workers through training courses of different kinds. Some will highlight the importance of physical training while others focus on up-skilling and others on work ethic.
Another fact people forget is that many families are dysfunctional. Work served as an escape route for a long time. Not keeping in mind that all issues linger on when not dealt with. That way people end up carrying extra baggage to work. Empathy goes a long way.
Practice Points
Promote healthy laughter within the workspace.
Host breathing exercises to benefit the mind and emotions.
Opt for a ‘Breathing Room’. Where the staff can access small exercising tools. Such as Pilate balls or a treadmill to run the stress off for a couple of minutes.
For remote situations, suggest easy and fun exercise tips for stress relief. It helps to lift the mood and confidence.
Practice empathy and encourage it among employees.
Want to avoid absenteeism? Pay your workers better. According to a study from the John Hancock firm, 69-72% of employees in the United States of America stress about finances. Not being able to pay for your needs while employed is one of the highest stressors among employees.

Presenteeism may sound better but is just as bad. This is a scenario where you find most of the (poorly paid) staff attending consistently. Except mentally, with work output, they are very absent. This can cost a business more money than if they paid their employees well.
Well-paid workers are happy workers. It helps to know that 62% of multinational companies are catching on to the fact. Thereby instilling relevant programs. Sometimes it’s not the employer who’s at fault. Employees also need to apply intelligent financial skills.
Not everyone has the same access. Bearing that in mind, it helps to have a few financial savvy sessions in case people missed those in life. Most people do need them. Empower your team with the following:
Practice Points
Take your staff to workshops focused on financial skills.
Promote financial intelligence within the workspace.
Put up posters with how to be money savvy pointers.
Discuss financial goals to inspire forward-thinking.
Include finance games in team-building sessions sometimes.
Employers are noticing the importance of physical training in employee wellbeing. As much as they are of emotional and financial resilience in the workplace and that is good news. More than mental stimulation, exercise gives us stamina. Coupled with hydration and healthy nutrition, the human body excels in regular exercise.
Our bodies are like machines. If one part of the machine falters, like dominos, other parts soon follow. As already mentioned, when we take care of our bodies, we take care of our minds. A 30-second stretch at the desk can reset your energy for longer.
You don’t have to turn into a gym or yoga fanatic to keep your mental health in check. As long as it’s regular workouts, your body and mind will be in a better place. The trick to sticking to a routine is doing things you enjoy.

Consult with a health professional to find out what works for you. You mind end up hurting yourself if you don’t. Not all body types can handle the same kind of pressure.
Certain workouts may seem safe for all. Such as brisk walks around the neighbourhood. Truth is, if you have injuries or ailments, rather find out from a professional.
Practice Points
Team building sessions should include physical exercise. Try dancing to make it enjoyable with happy music.
Encourage stretching.
Promote a healthy lifestyle.
Remind your employees to stay hydrated.
Employee Empowerment
Empowerment is the degree of autonomy and self-determination in people and in communities. This enables them to represent their interests in a responsible and self-determined way, acting on their authority. Wikipedia
Employers need to empower their employees more than ever. What most people don’t realize is that there is a good and a bad side to the act. On the good side, employees have the freedom to exercise the freedom of expression. Which can lead to growth within the organization.
The disadvantages of employee empowerment are that the authority may get abused. The workflow can take a slide as a result. Thus it is important for organizations to familiarize themselves with training guides, and upskill where necessary. Empowerment comes with responsibility.
Leapsome Bounds to Conducting 1-on-1 Meetings
Constant and consistent meeting with the staff saves companies a lot of money. When an employee aligns with their employees work happens more. It’s easier to track if everyone is happy, and most importantly getting the job done well.
Much time is also wasted on frivolous meetings. There are ways to conduct 1 on 1 meetings. Wasted time equals wasted money as it takes resources to plan for and host the gatherings. Keep the focus on saving money, and see your business making more.

1-on-1 meetings are a time to find out if there are any issues on the floor. It’s always best to find things out as they occur before they turn into big problems. They’re also morale boosters for the employees to feel seen and valued.
Prepare for your meetings and keep the focus on the agenda. At the time of writing this article, 60.7% of the purpose of one on ones is to check the pulse of your employees. Certifying that the four above-mentioned points stay covered.
With the right tools, leaps and bounds are possible. Following is a list of what, and what not to do during one-on-one appointments. Save your company time, money, and embarrassment by adhering to them.
The Do’s & Don’ts of Employee Wellbeing Meetings
Let us begin with the good. Things you can do during a meeting that will inspire growth and positive feedback:
Plan your meeting by pointing out the key topics for the agenda.
Have set out goals of what you would like the meeting to achieve.
Remember to communicate the purpose of the meeting so that everyone gets the tone.
Keep the meetings to under one hour. Apart from saving time and money, you want to keep their attention for as long as possible.
Advise your employees to prepare for the meeting once you’ve passed on the agenda.
Be punctual for the meetings, as in start and finish on time. Issues that can’t be in the meeting can be included in follow-up appointments.
Be considerate of others and their input.
Have someone take notes during the meeting, then email back the summary of crucial points made.
Summaries of meetings help to avoid them overlapping.
Start the next meeting where the last one ended or follow up on the previous meeting for the sake of progress.
Lines get blurred often when people are happy and feel free. Emotions trick them into thinking it’s all good and they get confused about what not to do. Here is a list of things not to do in one-on-one meetings.
Come unprepared.
Arrive late.
Interrupt when someone is talking.
Be dismissive.
Forget to recapture topics covered in the previous meeting.
Derail and get into personal or irrelevant subjects.
Be in a hurry to end the meeting.
Act on your last promises.
Do not cancel a meeting for any old reason. You give your team the impression that they are not important enough for you to keep your word.
Stop having meetings. They are valuable to the business and that’s the bottom line.
Employee Wellbeing: When All is Said & Done

The good thing about the Covid-19 Virus is that it has reminded the corporate world to value people. That we are all human after all. Humans are delicate creatures with a lot of baggage. If you intend on working with them, you need to address the problems because oftentimes, it is that easy.
The wellbeing of employees determines the success of an organization. There’s no point in the mistreatment of staff. It leads to the employees misusing resources and therefore the business. Take care of your people and they will take care of their work.
The holistic approach to employee wellbeing is the best thing employers can adopt. It includes managing your staff, handling mental-illness issues, and promoting healthy habits among the workers. With all the training workshops available, there’s no reason why not.
Going online is no excuse to avoid companies from taking care of individuals. If anything, it’s the best time to have them without compromising environments. They also provide fewer chances of interruptions.
For successful 1-on-1 meetings with staff, on or offline, it is important to maintain a level of respect. To adhere to the stipulated rules and most importantly-enjoy and appreciate one another. In a professional manner.