How to Work from Home Effectively: E – Emotions

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Work From Home: Mindset – E is for Emotions

The sixth letter of our mnemonic M.I.N.D.S.E.T. specifically designed to help you work from home better is ‘E’, Emotions.

E – Emotions Best Practice

We have two responsibilities:

  • To ask, ‘How are you feeling?’


  • To articulate how we are feeling.

When we change to work at home, our colleagues can no longer see how we feel. Yes, they might be able to over Microsoft video Teams, or possible pick up something in a tone on a call. But it is harder. Feelings at work are hard to work with anyway. Emotional Intelligence is just becoming a thing. Add into the mix working from home, with its reduced communication bandwidth and it’s like moving back to when the internet was a 56kbps dial-up. At times, just frustrating.

The responsibility is half with us to explain how we feel, and half with others to ask.

My daughter, Gabby (19) went to University in Loughborough. This was about two years ago. I remember the conversation we had before she went. Remembering that Gabby has twelve different ways to say ‘Ok!’

‘Chick – When you’re at home we can see how you are, that you are annoyed by your friends, or something is eating away at you. When we speak to you at Uni, we can’t tell these things. We can only guess. Please don’t make us guess because we’ll worry. We will ask. You’ll also need to explain how you feel. Please find a way to share how you feel.’

Click on the image below for the extended version.

Infographic about Is Working from Home a Good Idea with remote working stats 2012 to 2020
Working from home does not equate to having a jolly time


To her credit, she did. We didn’t have to guess. She realised that whether it was good or bad, we wanted to know because then we could help. Remote working is similar. Leaving people to guess or to worry is not fair to anyone and will not help. Particularly in these times of well-being and mental health. Sharing how we feel is imperative.

Links to YouTube video with Darren A Smith discussing emotions when working from home
Working from home can involve a period of emotional adjustment


The other 6 M.I.N.D.S.E.T. Best Practices

Read the main article: How to Work from Home Effectively: Adopt these 7 Best Practices.

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