Well-being: The Leader’s Guide to Successful Well-Being


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Do You Properly Focus on This Important Workplace Element?

Leaders need to be more aware nowadays of the importance of well-being in the workplace. It’s not just a buzzword that will simply fade away any time soon. In fact, the expectation is that well-being in the workplace will continue to grow in terms of importance for organisations to achieve success.

However, do we really know what well-being means? Also, do we give the concept the time and attention it deserves? That’s what this article, and related links, plan to address.

Personally, for a number of years, I associated well-being with the company offering yoga and other physical, health-related activities to employees. Indeed, I know now that it’s so much more than that. We will look at:

  • Meaning of well-being
  • Its Importance
  • The 5 key elements
  • Mental well-being factors
  • Potential barriers to avoid

So, let’s start with the obvious first step of understanding what it actually means.

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Meaning of Well-being

Merriam-Webster defines it as:

The state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous”.

Another definition, this time from WHO (World Health Organisation), states:

Well-being encompasses quality of life and the ability of people and societies to contribute to the world with a sense of meaning and purpose”.

I believe that by combining the 2 descriptions above, we can incorporate these aspects into the organisations we work for. In that way, we can have a full understanding of what well-being means to us as a company.

Think of your team at the moment. When you review their work, behaviour and performance, can you identify if they are happy there? Are you able to tell their overall level of health through only attendance or sick days? Do they find that what they do has meaning and purpose?

These all contribute to the level of well-being any of us can feel at different times. Yes, our well-being fluctuates and can have highs and lows as it is linked directly to our emotions. While physical well-being is one aspect of the overall concept, that is only one element. In fact, it is a combination of our physical, mental, emotional and social health, all interlinked together. That can be a challenging combination to take on and be successful in addressing. We want to help you improve on this.

Why is Well-being Important?

Woman smelling a flower for her well-being
Sometimes it’s the simple things that impact the most


So, why is well-being important for companies to focus on and pay attention to? Some might argue that companies do not need to give time, attention, or money to well-being. In fact, many may argue that this is outside the company’s scope of responsibility. That is a very outdated and potentially damaging view for companies to take.

3 key elements of organisational well-being are:

  • Mind: need focus and attention on the task at hand.
  • Body: need to be physically fit and able to perform.
  • Social: need teamwork and collaboration to achieve results.

The best results come from a balance of the 3 elements working together. Therefore, companies who focus on all 3 will see better company achievements. These results include:

  • Improved teamwork and collaboration
  • Increased productivity
  • Enhanced skills and knowledge
  • Decreased stress and burnout
  • Less conflict and disagreements
  • Higher retention
  • Improved engagement and workplace satisfaction

We should not underestimate the importance that well-being plays on our employees’ output which helps achieve the company’s goals and results. Therefore, we need to really understand the different aspects of what contributes to well-being. In doing so, we focus our efforts and attention on making sure these aspects are properly addressed.

In a recent report published by MBM, People vs Profit: Where Do the Top Companies Put Their Focus?, well-being is a key factor in terms of the findings that were discussed. Companies, even in today’s environment, overlook the importance of focusing time and effort on well-being. At least, that’s what their own annual reports tell us. How disappointing to know that after everything everyone has been through, across all industries, companies still fail to understand and address well-being as a priority for their employees and overall success.

5 Key Elements of Well-being

Happy woman smiles with arms in the air
Are these five elements intact in your life?


Gallup did an extensive study on well-being to identify the different elements that contribute to this. Their research covers areas such as health, wealth, relationships, jobs, and communities and was conducted in approximately 150 different countries. As a result, they have identified 5 overlapping aspects that we will look at now in detail.

They are:

  • Career
  • Social
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Community

1- Career Well-being

First, we see the impact our workplace and job have on our overall well-being. Think of any workplace where you were dissatisfied or felt undervalued. How did that impact your emotional, mental, physical well-being? Personally, I have been there. I suffered numerous negative impacts from a toxic work environment or an underappreciative leader. None of these contributed to my overall well-being.

When your job lacks satisfaction, it has a direct impact on other aspects of your life. You bring your workplace problems home with you, complaining to family and/or friends of the injustices you are facing. Your physical well-being can suffer if you drink or smoke more than usual. Also, the stress of this situation impacts you physically, mentally and emotionally.

Instead, we all need a job and workplace that creates a feeling of satisfaction and achievement. We need to feel valued and appreciated for our efforts and contributions. Also, we need the social aspect of being part of the team and not a sense of exclusion.

2- Social Well-being

Next, we look at general social acceptance and inclusion. This is all about our relationships and how we connect with others in our lives. This can be family members, friends, work colleagues, or people we meet in social and event settings. What we need to see here is a return on investment for the time and energy we spend on developing and growing those relationships.

Think of the last time you had a quarrel with a loved one. How did it make you feel, physically and emotionally? Also, consider the distraction it caused from other focus areas until you had resolved the matter.

These relationships create structure and balance for us. They provide much-needed support and encouragement, especially when you’re going through tough times. Therefore, developing these social elements of our lives adds to the overall well-being we achieve.

3- Financial Well-being

Now, some will argue that this is the most important element of the five. I disagree. Remember, you can have all the money in the world but without the proper career, relationships, health and surroundings, the money means nothing.

However, that is not to take away from its importance as one of the 5 key elements of well-being. Financial stability is important for all of us to achieve. I am sure we have all had that feeling, at one time or another, of wondering about paying a bill or covering necessary costs. The stress we feel when finances are in question can be substantial.

As leaders, it is our responsibility to ensure that employees have a salary that is fair for their roles and responsibilities. Also, financial fairness throughout the corporation is essential. Otherwise, people may feel mistreated or discriminated against if financial rewards and structure are unbalanced.

4- Physical Well-being

Well, this seems like a fairly obvious one. We all want to feel safe and secure. It is important that, as leaders, we create an environment that meets the physical needs of our team, customers, suppliers, etc. This can be anything from having the proper office chairs to supplying well-fitting uniforms that are comfortable.

When we have physical discomfort, it distracts us from what we are supposed to be focusing on. Such as a meeting or discussion, or a physical task we need to complete. In the workplace, it is important that we ensure all aspects of employee physical well-being are addressed.

Consider, that you give a task to a member of your team but fail to give them the proper physical tools to complete it. Now, how will that situation make them feel? Also, what end result will be achieved? You are setting them up to fail before they even start. This impacts their mental and emotional well-being. As leaders, we need to do better.

Then, you need to consider other physical needs of the team. For example, do you provide healthy dietary options in your workplace? Also, are there physical wellness options such as access to a gym or other physical classes available, even with company discounts? And, do you arrange physical activities for your team such as walks or runs, yoga, Pilates, etc. that allow those interested to take part? All of these can contribute very positively to the well-being of your team members. Not everyone will be interested, however, those who are will appreciate the access to these options.

5- Community Well-being

In this case, with a focus on the workplace, the community is the organisation we work for. How well do the team interact together and function as a unit? Are there tensions between members of the team that negatively impact the group? Also, do you consider the differences as well as the similarities that make them an effective team? All of these and more need to be addressed when looking at community well-being.

You need a highly productive, fluid operation in order to achieve results. However, if you are wasting time resolving petty issues or dealing with minor personality clashes, this all impacts the time you should be spending on achieving the company goals. This is where your leadership will be essential in creating the right work environment where the community can blossom.

Mental Health

Bald woman is smilling from good well-being
Unfortunately, many companies still fail to address this issue


We cannot discuss well-being without providing a section of the article on mental well-being. As we saw earlier the “mind” is one of the 3 aspects of organisational well-being. Also, while covering the 5 elements of Gallup’s well-being structure, we mentioned the impact these sections can have on us mentally.

In the People Vs Profit report mentioned earlier, mental health is also featured in the well-being section. It is shocking to see that many of the top 100 Global companies fail to mention mental health anywhere in their annual reports. In fact, from their 2021 annual reports, we found that a whopping 21 of the top 100 companies do not mention well-being, wellness or mental health a single time! How can that be? Have a look at the report for more detailed discoveries and shocking statistics.

People or Profit Book by Darren Smith on pink background
Read the report for shocking reveals!


How Can You Address This?

Mental health issues can affect anyone in your team. Many people suffer from cases of mental health issues, such as depression or addictions, without seeking professional help or support from family and friends. Instead, they tackle their challenges alone, often with serious consequences. Many companies nowadays understand the importance of providing support for those in their team suffering from mental health issues. Many, as covered in the above-mentioned report, dedicate programmes and events to create more awareness and support for these issues.

As leaders, ensure you are aware of the tell-tale signs of stress, anxiety and burnout. Also, review steps that can be taken when you see performance lows or behavioural changes in your team members. There are many resources available out there, including our own coaching cards for mental health (links are above). These cards can help you ask questions that allow these issues to be raised in a sensitive and effective way.

Barriers to Effective Workplace Practices

There are a number of barriers in place when it comes to promoting and practising well-being effectively in the workplace. We will look at some of those barriers and give you suggestions of how to overcome them.

#1: Lack of Career Development

One mistake we make is not considering the long-term plans for our team members. We avoid investing in learning and development opportunities. Instead, we expect everyone to be happy staying where they are, doing what they’re doing without growth and career development chances.

This is a surefire way of losing great talent from the team. Instead, do the following:

  • Have succession planning in place for future career growth.
  • Develop a structured Personal Development Plan programme for all leaders to follow.
  • Train your leaders in key leadership skills and practices.
  • Offer on-site and off-site learning courses relevant to career opportunities.
  • Encourage multi-skilling and cross-training, where possible.

These important steps will ensure that you address career well-being for those in the team with the drive and potential for development chances.

#2: Missing Investment of Time and Money

So, one important step is recognising that there is a return on investment in well-being practices. As a company, you can see great results for the investment you make. These can include:

  • Less sick leave and absenteeism.
  • Improved quality of work.
  • Increased job satisfaction.
  • Better team and company results.
  • Greater customer satisfaction.
  • Healthier work environment.
  • Stronger sense of community and company culture.

However, that cannot happen without the investment required, and that is time, effort and money. Make the change today for better results moving forward.

#3: Poor Leadership

In many cases, well-being in the workplace suffers as a result of poor leadership. They fail to understand the importance of placing a spotlight on this necessary focus area. Instead, they brush it under the rug and pretend it’s not an issue.

Here, they are making a mistake. Instead, be the leader who puts well-being front and centre. Organise events for the team that gives well-being its rightful place of importance. Also, create awareness for your team of what well-being is and why it’s a focus area. And, look at long-term consistency in making these events happen.

#4: Unnecessary Stress and Anxiety

One area where well-being can be impacted is as a result of stress in the workplace. Many times stress can be avoided with better planning, preparation, and communication. As leaders, we need to enhance these skills to reduce the possibility of stress being created unnecessarily. Some stress will happen, however, we need to have skills in place that allow us to avoid anxiety where possible.

This can include proper time management to reduce overtime. Also, you need to know how to delegate effectively, avoiding overloading any members of the team because they are reliable or will simply accept the extra tasks. Then, communicate in a timely manner that gives people sufficient time to prepare and organise themselves. Also, assign tasks and projects where strengths are utilised and success is possible. Finally, promote fairness and equality across the board, avoiding exclusion or discrimination.

#5: Unsafe or Poor Physical Conditions

We discussed the physical element of well-being earlier in the article. A large barrier to workplace well-being is the concern about any issues of safety or poor physical conditions that employees face in their work areas. When these barriers occur, people become mentally and emotionally distressed as well as having the potential of being in harm’s way.

Here, ensure that all workspaces are safe for purpose. Provide the proper safety equipment for all roles, regardless of the cost. Also, provide equipment that is in good working order and won’t cause injury. Then, do regular safety checks as well as required training and drills to properly prepare the team for such events.

When we consider these potential barriers and others that can occur, it is important for all of us, as leaders, to take our role to promote all aspects of well-being seriously.

As a Final Thought…

Letters spelling the word use
Start promoting a healthy workplace today!


Well-being cannot be underestimated in terms of its importance in today’s workplace. Despite many of the top 100 global companies (34% in fact) failing to even mention well-being in their 2021 annual report, please don’t follow their lead.

Instead, apply U.S.E. to promote well-being in your company.

  • Understand the Elements: Make sure that all 5 elements of well-being are looked at. Otherwise, you will have gaps in your approach.
  • Select Practical Applications: Choose practices and activities that will positively impact the well-being of those in your team.
  • Evaluate the Results: Check how these practices are making an impact on your team and their results. You are sure to see the return on your investment of time, effort, and money.

Remember, check out all of our available resources that give you more insights regarding well-being including the great People Vs Profit report, coaching cards, and other related articles.

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