Learning to Learn Course

Training Course Overview

How to learn more, quickly and easier. This is a 1/2 day training course. Specifically designed for suppliers to the UK Grocery Industry. Research into learning states that we forget most of what we have been taught; suggesting that one-day training courses are a waste of money. This course is designed to address the lack of accountability by many one-day training providers. Its core aim is for long-term transfer of the newly learned skill.

The course will be delivered by a world-class tutor that has worked in the UK Grocery Industry. In addition, like all of our training courses, it includes our ROI guarantee.

We specifically designed this training course to help people get more out of their training. The premise is simple. It is about ensuring training and the associated skill development lasts over the long term. Through this course, we provide everyone with a solid platform to start from. Thus, allowing them to reap all of the benefits and, in turn, providing a better ROI.

Purple tin with Learning to Learn on label for MBM learning course
Improve your Learning Skills with our unique training course

Learning Objectives

By the end of this Learning to Learn course, you will be able to:

  • Be aware of how and why new skills are lost so easily and how to overcome that challenge.
  • Understand the importance of capturing Learner’s own notes in a way that enables you to more easily recall and retain what they will digest.
  • Identify and understand their learning style and how to apply it in a learning environment.
  • Appreciate the importance of the goal-setting theory and how this can help the Learner to better achieve what they want from their training.
  • Understand how to create new habits in order to embed their learning faster and for the long term.
  • Value the importance of a learning buddy and how useful it can be when you use this resource to retain and recall knowledge.

Available for Face to Face / Online Delivery / In House / Open House

Contact us to find out more:

Collage of 9 people on an MBM virtual training course
MBM training courses are also available for virtual delivery

“MBM understood our challenges because they are accredited professionals from our industry.”

“The chain of evidence meant I understood the individual ROI from the training.”

“Their learning techniques made it stick for the long term, giving continuing improvements.”

What Do Learners Say About This Training Course?

I really enjoyed the course. The Learning styles exercise was particularly enlightening. So much so that I got Andy to give me a spare copy. Then I asked my wife to complete it that evening so that I could try and understand her a little better! Such piece is great for my own self-awareness and to make me conscious/aware of why other people may react differently in a meeting/course etc.

Plus, to better understand the team who work for me and how I may need to tailor my approach with them off the back of it – The way I do it is probably indicative of how I would want to learn, rather than how they would best take things in. The mind mapping was also great and is something I have occasionally used in the past but having seen how to do it properly, something I will use more.

Finally, Keepers and triggers – I have already started to note down the room, who’s there, who I’m next to, weather, etc. Habits – not incorporated any of these into my work life but certainly have done at home and got myself a trigger to make sure they are linked.”

Marc Summers
Account Controller, AG Barr


Achieving Real Behavioural Change with ‘Sticky Learning ®’

Sticky Learning ® is our own unique learning method. Developed over the last 18 years. Most Learners attend 1-day training courses and do nothing afterwards. HR Managers & L&D Managers told us that this was unacceptable.

Sticky Learning ® helps Learners to Realise more of what they have learnt. To help them to Recall more of what they have learnt. Plus, Retain more of what they have learnt. The 3 R’s.

Sticky Learning ® enables us to proudly guarantee that if a Learner is not still using their new skill 5 months later, we will give you your money back. This is our money-back guarantee.

MBM Sticky Learning logo with purple brain icon
Let's you really learn

Measuring Your ROI of the Learning To Learn Course

We evaluate your training on 5 levels, see below, and summarise these into a pack called the ‘Chain of Evidence’.

  • Level 1: Reaction (Feel) – What were the learners’ first impressions of the learning?
  • Level 2: Learning (Know) – How much did the learners learn?
  • Level 3: Behaviour (Do) – To what extent has the learning been used?
  • Level 4: Results (Numbers) –  How did the behaviour affect the results?
  • Level 5: Sponsor (Align) – What ‘observable change in performance’ has been achieved?

You can find out more about measuring your ROI in ‘About Us’.


Find out how you can achieve behavioural change and have 5-level training evaluation reports – Click on the image below:

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Purple chain of evidence icon
Evaluates your training on 5 levels

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