Get Better Results With NLP Coaching Cards
NLP Coaching Cards are for coaches that would like to add another dimension to their coaching. An understanding of NLP is desired, though not absolutely necessary to be able to use these coaching cards (Neuro-linguistic programming is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States, in the 1970s). These coaching cards are grouped into 4 stages; M.O.V.E – Model, Operate, Values, and Evolve.
Project Oxygen, by google, analysed thousands of people’s performance data such as appraisals and 1-2-1’s. Their conclusion was that the skill that managers are worst at is Coaching. But also, the skill that managers need to be best at is Coaching. These cards give immediate access to the skills and power of coaching to help you to improve the performance of your people and yourself.
Using these NLP Coaching Cards will enable you to:
- Ask yourself the more challenging questions that you don’t want to be asked.
- Coach someone to improve their performance beyond basic coaching sessions using NLP techniques.
- Help someone to achieve much, much more, from solving deeper problems to bigger challenges.
Who Are the NLP Coaching Cards For?
Experienced coaches that want to get even more from their coaching sessions by weaving in additional Neuro Linguistic Programming questions. These coaching cards make NLP questions accessible because, like GROW, they are split into 4 stages of MOVE.
What Do You Receive?
- 78 Advanced NLP Coaching Cards. Approx the size of playing cards.
- Separated into the 4 stages of the MOVE model; Move, Operate, Values, and Evolve.
- 20 cards per stage.
- Each coaching card has an NLP question relevant to that stage.

How to Use these NLP Coaching Cards
These NLP Coaching Cards are easy to use. Here are 10 steps:
- Book a meeting with your coachee (that could be yourself) for 30-60 minutes.
- At the start of your session explain to your coachee that this is a coaching session:
- Start with the whole deck of +80 cards in front of you. Set your instructions cards to one side.
- Shuffle through and separate your 4 MOVE question phases into individual piles.
- Begin with the 20 ‘Model’ stage Coaching Cards in your hand.
- Pick out the most appropriate questions from these first 20 cards. You do not need to ask all 20 questions, and you do not need to ask them in the order you have found them. Your aim is to help the coachee to identify ways for them to be the best version of themselves.
- Start asking and see what comes up.
- Repeat the above steps for the other 3 stages; Operate, Values, and Evolve.
- Finish the coaching session when you have a clear answer in each stage.
- Your last step is to get some feedback for yourself as the coach.
NLP Coaching Cards Free Online Tool
Here you will find a 3rd of the pack free. The printed deck you buy is 80 cards.
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