How to Reinforce Regular Motivational Training in The Workplace
Workplaces are second homes to people as they spend the most productive part of the day there. Company owners and managers are embracing work motivational training to boost the morale of the workplace. Since motivation touches directly on character and mindset, they use available structures and resources to improve formal working arrangements. Incorporating these best practices into regular working routines makes the workforce more approachable and productive.
Vision and Mission Reminder
Ideally, as part of the orientation or induction process, a new employee should go through the company’s morals before accepting the offer. These two statements guide every work aspect. They create the ultimate target for every employee. The mission drives the daily activity. Whilst the vision is the guiding principle to the ultimate perfect goal. Every employer hopes that all their employees rally towards these corporate values.

However, often it all ends after the employee signs the appointment letter. There is no reminder or reference to it after that. It leads to negligence or blatant disregard. This can hinder the company’s overall goal. To solve it, ensure that every action, pronouncement, press releases and merchandise have the vision on them. This is where motivational training comes in! It can be reinforced in the following ways:
- Every official document used internally or externally should have the vision and mission statements.
- In every office discussion, question its alignment to the mission and vision.
- In every room within the working premises, the statements should be nicely put in a frame and hung on the wall.
- At the reception, the side facing the entrance should have the statement. It is a daily reminder to each worker every morning when they step into the office.
New Week Motivation
Many companies usually have a strategic meeting every Monday morning to plan for the week. It also acts as a reality check for employees on the task ahead and how to better last week’s results. It is usually an excellent time to inspire the team and create a plan of action for the week.
To ensure that the message is well received, engage them with questions and answers. It makes them attentive. Follow the story and understand your concept being put across. If you manage to get their attention, you can now set out the plans for the week. Consider their input, create a free-thinking environment and encourage them to own their ideas. Offer guidance where necessary but ensure they follow the company policies in their endeavours.

You can also ask them to chair the Monday meetings or represent their department in turns. It kills off nervousness and models them to take up more daunting tasks in future. However, when implementing this motivational training, do not dismiss their ideas straight away. It is vital not to discipline them whenever they do not live up to the task. You can call them separately and advise them on how to do it better next time.
Frequent Performance Conversations
A right-minded employee would never do anything wrong deliberately. Therefore, when talking about performance delivery in a regular 1-1, the boss should not alienate himself or herself from the situation. Try to find out conditions surrounding any performance-related issue. Most company supervisors ask why the performance is low instead of if anything is wrong with the process.
Every activity in an organisation has a definite process. Every worker subscribes to this process. Therefore, before slamming your employee, first find out if the strategy is viable. Any performance discussion should query the process and its output. The employee is the right person to give feedback since they are directly in charge of its output. If the problem is the process, create a compromise or change it completely. As long as it gives the intended outcome. If the problem is the worker, coach, retrain and give them another chance. Avoid dismissing them as much as you can.
Workers might have personal problems that affect their work output. As a supervisor or employer, endeavour to solve their problems. If possible, give them some time off work. This is on the condition that they solve all their shortcomings. As an employer, question your methods first before your workers.
Just as Richard Branson, the Founder of Virgin Group, once said:
‘If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers.’
Use the same strategy to create welfare programs that handle personal issues.
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Motivational Training Sessions
Formal education will never solve all knowledge problems. There is lots of information which you can learn on your own. Alternatively, you can assess your needs and bring in an expert. Technology advancement, practical solutions and decision making require regular practice. Others are personal etiquette and customised technical operations.
However, these training sessions should be engaging. Team members should be encouraged to share their knowledge on the subject. The sessions should expand more on the already known facts. This then acts as a catalyst to explore wider dimensions in areas of specialisation. Impacting advanced knowledge benefits the company more. For example, it can lead to improved efficiency and rejuvenated effort to hit performance targets.

The company can either use in-house experts who are well versed with the company systems or hire an external consultant. The two approaches can be used on different occasions to achieve maximum outcome:
- In-house expert – since they are a part of the company processes, they should come in when training relatively new employees. Their training will help the new team settle in quickly.
- Outsource to an external consultant – their input will be significantly felt if they train senior managers. The consultant will bring industry insight and an economic view, making their feedback to the company valuable.
Team Building
Team building events are mainly done outside the office premises. It is an exercise aiming to harnesses collective energies to solve a problem. They are typically organised by the HR department. Office premises are often restrictive both emotive and in appearance. Therefore, team building seeks to understand workers on a personal level in a different environment.
However, companies have come up with innovative ways to hold team building events at the office. This in-house motivational training juggles up the hierarchy structure to perform tasks that are not directly under their mandate. The aim is creating inclusivity and a feel of collective responsibility. The team leader can challenge the senior employees to work for a day at their junior’s desks. This gives managers a feeling of their workload and vice versa. Such activities can bring up personal talents which can lead to exemplary service delivery.

For the more elaborate team building, go somewhere off the business premises. Do activities together. Share your professional journeys and motivate those who look up to you. Such discussions contribute positively to the overall output. It also builds self-sufficiency amongst the workforce. Dependency will reduce and working processes will improve.
So, What Have We Learnt About Motivational Training?
Motivational training is more of a decision than a requirement. Classifying it as a decision means self-appraisal to note your potential. Companies that invest in bettering employee’s professional growth have a high output rate. Try to understand their fears and harness their energy. Let the requirement be self-absorbing and the results will automatically grow the enterprise.
Bonus read: Our comprehensive report on the training industry.