About MBTI
MBTI is a vast topic based on a personality theory initiated by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. Then, during the years of World War II, mother and daughter team, Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, took Jung’s work further. They were curious about how people were similar, and how they were different. Fast forward to today and MBTI is based on 16 different personality types, each of which can be explored below in our 16 articles. Learn more with our MBTI articles.
Take your MBTI understanding and learning further with:
- Our Training Course.
- Our Ultimate Guide on Myers Briggs.
- Our Glossary of Terms.
MBTI is just one of many ways to differentiate personalities and ways of thinking. Others include DISC and HBDI, which you can read more about in our personality tests article.
The 16 Personality Types
You can discover which of the 16 personality types you are through a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire show psychological preferences about how you make decisions, and how you perceive the world.
The outcome of the test is based on 4 metrics; introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving. Then, one letter is taken from each of the 4 metrics/categories to produce a four-letter test result, such as ‘ISFJ’ – Mother Theresa, or ‘ENTP’ – Donald Trump, or ‘INTP’ – Albert Einstein.
So, now that you understand a bit more about MBTI and the 16 personalities, it’s time to find out which one you are. Click on the image below to enlarge our ‘cheat sheet’ questionnaire.
Now that you have more of an idea about which personality type you are, have a read of the in-depth MBTI articles below to find out your strengths, weaknesses, and those you are compatible with. Then, read the other personality articles to discover how to communicate effectively with other personalities, who you work best with and how to avoid conflict.
Dive Into Each Personality With Our MBTI Articles
ENTJ Personality Type: The Complete Guide
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‘The Executive’
Commander personalities are a common term for ENTJs. They are strategic thinkers who love to organize change. They are quick to spot inefficiencies and come up with fresh ideas. Also, they enjoy developing long-term plans to achieve their vision.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full ENTJ article.

INTJ Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Scientist’
The INTJ personality type is commonly referred to as an architect personality. Individuals with this personality type are very private, self-sufficient, and prefer to work alone. Their reasoning is straightforward, logical, and reasonable. People frequently misunderstand INTJs because they tend to be private as their quietness is often mistaken for a lack of interest in other people or activities.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full INTJ article.
ENTP Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Visionary’
‘E’ for Extrovert, ‘N’ for Intuitive, ‘T’ for Thinker, and ‘P’ for Perceiver. That’s short for ENTP meaning. Why short you might ask? Extroverts generally have a shorter attention span than introverts. PsychCentral confirms that ENTPs make up between 2% to 5% of the population which matches Psychology Junkie’s estimate of 4.3%. Both truity and career planner rank ENTP as the fifth-rarest personality type.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the ENTP of our MBTI articles.

INFP Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Idealist’
INFP types are special. You are already special. If you need confirmation, look at some of the names you’ve been called: the romantic hero/heroine, the compassionate healer, the panoramic perspective, the advocate at work, the truth seeker, and even the princess. Psychology Junky describes INFPs complex nature and deep imagination as irresistible. There is even a hint of jealousy in their description, don’t you think so?
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full INFP article.
INFJ Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Protector’
A protector or advocate (INFJs) is a person who is introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. They have a deep thoughtfulness and imagination for life. Their inner vision, personal values, and quiet, principled humanism guide them in everything they do. INFJ people account for 2.3% of the population, with 1.4% men and 3.1% women.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full INFJ article.

ENFP Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Inspirer’
The ENFP personality type was developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the creators of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). ENFP stands for Extraversion, iNtuition, Feeling, and Perceiving, which are four core personality traits based on C.G. Jung’s work. ENFPs are energized by social interaction (Extraverted), prefer to focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), make decisions based on feelings and values (Feeling), and prefer to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and organized (Perceiving).
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the ENFP of our MBTI articles.
INTP Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Thinker’
INTPs are philosophical pioneers enthralled by logical analysis, systems, and design. They are preoccupied with theory and seek the universal law that underpins everything they see. They want to comprehend life’s unifying themes in all their complexities.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full INTP article.

ISTP Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Mechanic’
ISTPs are skilled craftspeople who understand mechanics and enjoy troubleshooting. They approach their surroundings with a flexible logic, looking for practical solutions to problems. They are self-sufficient and adaptable, and they typically interact with their surroundings in a self-directed, spontaneous manner.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full ISTP article.
ISFP Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Artist’
In this complete guide, melodies will try to inspire you to sing along with ISFPs. As Einstein said, the best way to learn is by playing, so… let it be … you might even be whispering words of wisdom about ISFPs. Don’t be surprised if you catch yourself humming along with the lessons as they unfold, or if your partner joins along. ISFPs are a special breed, a very special breed indeed.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the ISFP of our MBTI articles.

ENFJ Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Giver’
In this complete guide, words will try to inspire you, guide you, and heck even teach you some peculiar wisdom. Something only you will relate to because, at the time of your reading, a lesson will unfold for you and you alone. It’s like a calling. And with your strength, the words have faith you will prevail. The spirit of all ENFJs has been embedded into this guide.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full ENFJ article.
ESFP Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Performer’
ESFPs are outgoing performers who captivate and enthral those around them. They enjoy the people, food, clothing, environment, animals, and especially the people around them. They are impulsive, vivacious, and fun-loving.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the ESFP of our MBTI articles.

ESFJ Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Caregiver’
In this complete guide, you will learn about the second most common personality type, ESFJs. They are also known as the caregiver personality. What if you’re one? You’ll never know unless you find out for yourself!
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full ESFJ article.
ESTJ Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Guardian’
ESTJs stand for Extroverted, Sensing, Thinker and Judger, and are the 4th most intelligent personality type. They have great organizational skills and are good when dealing with crises. Despite this, they can be harsh and controlling.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the ESTJ of our MBTI articles.

ISFJ Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Nurturer’
Learn about the personality type of TV characters such as Sam (Lord of the Rings) and Superman! It’s the ISFJ personality type. They are known as the Nurturer and they make up 8.1% to 19.4% of the population. Are you one? Find out with the complete guide.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full ISFJ article.
ESTP Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Doer’
ESTP are energetic risk-takers and are driven by their sense of action. When it comes to fast-paced environments, they have an obvious advantage. If anything, they are the most alpha male while ESFPs are the most alpha female.
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the full ESTP article.

ISTJ Personality Type: The Complete Guide
‘The Duty Fulfiller’
Learn about the personality type of TV characters such as Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) and Ned Stark (Game of Thrones)! It’s the ISTJ personality type. Their dominant cognitive function is introverted sensing (Si) which makes them responsible, reliable, observant, and detail-oriented. Are you one? Find out with the ultimate guide!
For more information and insights on this personality type, read the ISTJ of our MBTI articles.