He Attended a Training Course, Got Back to the Office and Did D!ck with What He’d Learnt
It’s a familiar story the world over. Nearly £1bn spent on training per day, globally. Most of it will achieve diddly squat (I don’t mean Jeremy Clarkson’s farm!).
Here’s what happens and you’ve all been there…
Boss: There’s a course in a couple weeks that I am sending you on.
Employee: <Sigh> I am way too busy for that.
Boss: I think it will be good for you.
Employee: When is it? What’s it about?
Boss: I’ll forward the email to you.
Employee: <Attends one day course>
Boss: How was the training thing last week?
Employee: Yeah, not bad. I finally met Sue from Accounts and we talked about the project.
Diddly Squat.
I know you get it. Billions spent on training every day. Nowt achieved, so, why do we keep doing it? It’s the way we’ve done it for years. Agreed, it is, but we know we need to change it and even more, we know how.
You proved it here in this Linkedin survey below. You know exactly what we all need to do and Hermann Ebbinghaus, German psychologist, confirmed this in the late 1850’s with his famous ‘Forgetting Curve’ experiment. He concluded that we need to ‘use it <learning> or lose it <learning>’ and that was about 175 years ago!
Plus, as you said in your votes below, teaching someone else helps us to retain the information better because by having to turn the learnings into our own words, we make it ‘ours’. Remembering it is an integral step to achieving behavioural change.
The irony…we need to change the way we train people in order to achieve behavioural change for those people.
We can all begin by not accepting one day training courses, and only accepting training programmes (like driving lessons) and also truly accepting that unless we use what we have learnt, it’s just one big waste of time. Ideally the learning method is:
Learn > Teach > Use
Let’s make the change we want to see (Someone famous might have sung that?!) by asking a simple question before we do any learning/training:
What behavioural change do we want?
As a business, a team, or a learner – any, and all of these, we need ask the question above. A question closely linked to ‘What performance improvement do we want?’ – we’ll come back to that question later.
Let’s begin with you, the learner. When I ask the question above to our learners, most give me a business book answer, like ‘I’d like to be a better time manager because I want to be more productive at work’.
Utter sh!t.
Then I ask, ‘Thinking about you at work last week, and thinking about time management what one thing would you like to fix, gets your goat, pisses you off?’.
Their answer then turns to their real problems they have; ‘I am stuck in my inbox’, or ‘It is very stressful’, or ‘I just can’t get anything done’. Brilliant because that is what we want to change. Real and actual behaviours at work that cause us problems that we want to solve.
Behavioural Change is the Key We Need to Persistently Pursue
This is what everyone wants because by changing a behaviour, you the learner, becomes more productive, which makes the business more money. Plus, it might makes you, the learner, less stressed, less overwhelmed, have a higher job satisfaction and happier.
Here at MBM, we ask our learners to identify their ILO (Individual Learning Objective) at the Learning To Learn Training Course. The LTL is a half day training course every learner does with us before they start any training, where we teach them how to retain more, why giving out slides doesn’t work, how to mind map, the benefits of identifying their ILO, and much more.
In essence, we are challenging the learner why they are going to invest all their time in learning – what will they get from it? By starting there, we are replicating the best learning we all ever did – learning to drive. When we learnt to drive a car 3 things were integrated into this piece of learning, and we didn’t question it:
- An ILO – the ILO we identified for driving was a subconscious one, like ‘I want to drive because I want my freedom’. No-one ever asks us our ILO when we start to learn to drive because it is obvious. With soft skills corporate training we need to ask because it’s not as obvious and we also need to make it a conscious choice.
- Spaced Repetition – You did a driving lesson one week, waited a bit, then drove again the following week, and so on. On average, about 32 weekly lessons. This why corporate one-day training courses don’t work and why training programmes do work – Training programmes of 70:20:10 or blended learning, where we do a bit, wait a bit, do some more, and so on. Prodding and poking our brains with face-to-face training, virtual classrooms, role plays, homework, line manager discussions, etc. achieve real behavioural change. These are effective because they are similar to how we learnt to drive.
- Feedback – As you drove in a lesson the driving instructor gave you feedback. In my case it was ‘Smith, you can’t seem to get into second gear – shall w not use that one then, if you can’t?’. I suspect your line manager will be better than he was. Feedback is the key, and it is best given by your line manager because they are in the right position to observe and say when you are achieving the behavioural change you identified that you wanted to achieve (Your ILO).
Therefore, the process becomes:
Identify > Learn > Teach > Use > Feedback > Use > Repeat last two steps
I leave you with the same question I posed above, ready for your next training course:
What behavioural change do we want?
Read our free guide on how to create an effective ILO: https://www.makingbusinessmatter.co.uk/learning-objective/