LinkedIn Pulse Posts
The team at MBM publish LinkedIn Pulse Posts about Learning & Development, Negotiations Skills, Time Management, and other soft skill topics. And you can read them here:
GSCOP – Do You Understand the Groceries Code of Practice?
In short, this is a post that steers you to address whether your understanding of GSCOP is sufficient. To understand GSCOP more fully buy – ‘A Complete Understanding of the Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP)’ in either: the digital book is available from Amazon. Meanwhile, the physical book is available on Lulu. Check out this Linkedin Pulse Posts.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Time Managers
The Top 7 actions and behaviour traits that influence excellent time management.
7 Reasons to Say ‘No’ to One Day Training Courses
Why one-day training courses, with no preparatory work before and no support afterward, are a little like doing your French homework on the bus to school. And you’ve ticked a box but learned very little, completely missing the point of the exercise. Check out this Linkedin Pulse Posts.

Sticky Learning ® is 7 times more effective than 1-day training courses. Plus, you will get a Chain of Evidence proving your Return on Investment. Discover soft skills training that changes behaviours long term.

Why You Procrastinate, How to Stop, and Why it is Like a Theme Park
In short, this is a post of reflection as to why people procrastinate. And why it is often very unhelpful and how to avoid it.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Negotiators
The Top 7 actions and behaviour traits that influence highly effective negotiation skills.

Why Doesn’t Your Personal Development Plan Work?
Use this template to create a personal development plan that is fit for purpose.
What is Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve?
Hermann Ebbinghaus (January 24, 1850 – February 26, 1909) was a German psychologist who pioneered the experimental study of memory. And Ebbinghaus made several findings, of which arguably his most famous finding, the forgetting curve. In short, the forgetting curve describes the exponential loss of information that one has learned. According to this model, the sharpest decline occurs in the first twenty minutes and the decay is significant through the first hour. Finally, the curve levels off after about one day. Check out this Linkedin Pulse Posts.

7 Time Management Tips to Quickly Increase Your Productivity
The Top 7 Time Management Tips that have an immediate impact on your ability to work efficiently and productively.
Brave Approach to Writing a Joint Business Plan with a UK Supermarket
How to go about writing a joint business plan. And this is relatively new to the grocery industry as a whole.

Ultimate HR Scorecard for Measuring Training, Mentoring, and Recruitment
Making HR Managers, L&D Managers and HR Advisors really understand where they are now, where they want to be and how you might get from one to the other. Indeed, a useful Performance Management Tool.
One Minute Video – Negotiation Skills Tips
One minute tip to improve your negotiation skills. Check out this Linkedin Pulse Posts.

The Top 7 Challenges for L&D Managers – CIPD Annual Survey Report 2015
Challenges for L&D managers in 2015.
One Minute Video – Don’t Start with Sorry – Time Management Tips
Learn this useful time management.

One Minute Video – The Woolly Mammoth – Time Management Tips
Another time management tip – the Woolly Mammoth.
Big 4 Uk Supermarkets – Biggest Online Presence?
What can you learn from ASDA’s online presence?

3 Killer Questions to Test Your Time Management System
You cannot manage time. And it is constant. Meanwhile, the clock simply ticks, and as Thomas Jefferson famously said, “The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time”. Check out this Linkedin Pulse Posts.
Don’t Start with Powerpoint
‘Don’t start with Powerpoint’ is about starting where Stephen Covey, Author of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, told us to start, with the ‘End in Mind’.

A Formula for Belief?
Thinking about my goals……and achieving them, got me thinking about the formula for belief, like the formula for trust, change and the 80:20.
A Complete Understanding of GSCOP Because You Need to Know
Working in the UK Grocery industry you will have heard of GSCOP – the ‘Groceries Supply Code of Practice’. This code was implemented by Government to regulate the relationships between supermarkets and their suppliers. Buy the Book written by Darren A Smith of MBM to help the industry navigate the code.

How Great Are You at Presenting, Managing Your Time, Negotiating, Influencing, or Managing Conflict?
We all want to know how good we are. And how far we have to go to be great? Find out how great you are, because you want to be the best you can be. Indeed, without knowing where you are, you cannot know where you can reach for.
How to Use Your Driving Time More Effectively
According to the Department of Transport, commuting time is increasing. Compared with 1995, we are spending 5% longer commuting. That’s another 18 days of our life commuting. So, commuting is here to stay, unless you join the ‘work at home’ revolution’. If you can’t, here are some Time Management tips that will help… Check out this Linkedin Pulse Posts.

The Fierce Battle of the Christmas Ads
In our house Christmas starts when we see the red Coca-Cola truck on TV. In recent years that has been taken over by more creative and more emotive TV ads, like ‘Monty the Penguin’ from John Lewis. Where did it all begin?
21 Ways to Feed Your Email Monster
We all know the Email Monster. He sits there on our laptop slobbering all over the keyboard. Growing in size as more and more emails arrive. Happiest when we make no headway, answering 4 emails, only to have 12 more arrive in the same time. Here are 21 Ways to Feed Your Email Monster because you care.

Employees Use Very Little of What They Have Learnt
This Free Guide shares with you 8 proven solutions for getting employees to use more of what they have learnt. Across 13 pages, with images to support the proven solutions. Volume 2 has a further 10 proven solutions across 15 pages. Check out this Linkedin Pulse Posts.
Are You Annoyed By How Little Line Managers Support The Skills Training Of Their Teams?
This Free Guide shares with you 12 proven solutions for getting line managers to support the learning of their teams. Across 17 pages, with images to support the proven solutions.

Are You Struggling To Demonstrate The Return On Investment You get From Your Training Providers?
This Free Guide shares with you 8 proven solutions for getting training evaluated quickly and easily. Across 13 pages, with images to support the proven solutions.
Are You Making Mistakes As A Supplier When Selling To The Big 4 UK Supermarkets?
This Free Guide shares with you 8 mistakes suppliers make and how you can avoid those mistakes. Across 14 pages, with images to support the proven solutions. Check out this Linkedin Pulse Posts.

Chuffed as Punch! – Now CPD Accredited
We are chuffed as punch to be awarded CPD Accredited status.
How Great Are You at Presenting, Managing Your Time, Negotiating, Influencing, or Managing Conflict?
Find out how great you are, because you want to be the best you can be. Without knowing where you are, you cannot know where you can reach for.

Take the 7 Week Time Management Challenge
This whitepaper is not about time management tips, or time saving ideas. It is about your time management system (Cue laughter). Yes, I know you think that you don’t have one, but you do. Really, you do.
The Learning Car Wash
‘I have a dream…about learning’. People learn and then performance improves. It’s what we all want.

The Best Dam Soft Skills Infographics on the Web!
I was 32. Working as a Trading Manager for Sainsbury’s. Managing a buying team responsible for £350m area of Chilled Convenience Foods, like fresh ready meals (Crispy duck sampling on a Friday morning was my favourite!).
10 Birthday Reflections from a 49 Grey-ish Haired Father to his 19-year Old Single Self
It’s my Birthday today (12th May 2020). The messages have been lovely – Thank you. The reason for this article is to share my reflections of 49 years on this planet whilst thinking about my 30-year junior self. In the hope that it may help other younger people to stand on my shoulders and reach higher in life. Check out this Linkedin Pulse Posts.

Be the Very Best Version of You with these One Sentence Soft Skills’ Tips
Everyday people like you search for tips, tricks and tools, to help them to be the very best version of themselves. Jack Ma, the Founder and Chairman of Alibaba, concluded that we cannot beta the machines. We will never process data better, so we need to hone our soft skills. This is the battleground we can win.
How to Get People to Do What You Want – 31 Everyday Ways to Influence
Is influencing the king of all the soft skills? I once thought that time management was. Surely, being able to get the right stuff done in the right amount of time was King. Maybe not. Leadership – possibly. We seem to talk about it a lot in the business world. Possibly because it is so poorly done. Influencing is certainly a close bedfellow of leadership.

If You Prepare for Your Negotiation By Using Powerpoint, then Prepare to Fail
Preparing for your negotiation by using Powerpoint is similar to sellotaping a sausage roll to your stomach when you’re hungry.