Stand Out With These Qualities
It takes more than a few weeks in front of a slideshow to transform someone into a high-performing leader. There are inherent leadership qualities that exist within those who succeed in this realm.
Around the world, companies spend a collective $365 billion on employee training initiatives. Yet, for the most part, they fail to see the same return on that investment.
The good news? Some traits you’re born with, some you can learn, and all you can sharpen. Today, we’re discussing the top 15 leadership qualities that define a great leader. So, you can focus your efforts on the kind of internal improvement that leads to external recognition and reward.
Ready to learn more? Pick up that pencil and let’s take some notes.
Meaning of Effective Leadership and Its Importance

So, what does effective leadership look, sound, and feel like?
Some of us know many “managers”, the process and profit-focused people in charge of the team, department or organisation. However, not all of us get to experience, and learn from, great leaders in our careers. Then, for those of us who had that opportunity, we know it and recognise it when we experience it.
Effective leadership means having the ability to bring together a team, who can effectively achieve results, while helping those around them, individuals and groups, to grow and develop in positive ways. A leader has a vision and can see the roadmap for goals and objectives to be achieved. However, they understand the need to have the right people in the right roles to make it happen. This happens with the use and development of many different qualities and traits.
Importance of Effective Leadership
Importantly, there are many reasons why having effective leadership is so important for any department or organisation. Here, let’s see some of those main reasons.
#1: Building Teams
First, effective leadership is a core element for developing effective teams. As leaders, we have the capacity to bring different personalities and characters together as a unit. In that way, the group collaborate as a direct result of the leader’s approach and influence.
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#2: Achieving Results
Next, the leader sets the pace and direction for everyone in the organisation. Initially, the leader sets the tone for their leadership team. Then, they ensure the goals, objectives and vision are effectively cascaded throughout the organisation. Ultimately, they achieve results by having clear focus and direction while leading by example to get things done.
#3: Overcomes Challenges
Now, every organisation faces challenges. However, the end results can be very different depending on the leadership approach when aiming to overcome these barriers or pitfalls. Therefore, strong leaders have great problem-solving and decision-making skills that help their teams achieve a winning result. Also, they are open to ideas and suggestions from others and embrace those opinions to get the best outcomes.
#4: Boosts Morale and Positivity
Ideally, you have a leader that energises you through their own enthusiasm and positivity. This can be an amazing motivator for all team members. As a result, you see the positive energy passing through the organisation and boosting morale. This in turn directly impacts the level of productivity and improves performance.
#5: Creates Future Leaders
Finally, a great leader goes out and creates future leaders. They are not satisfied with ensuring their own legacy. In fact, they go out of their way to ensure learning, development and career growth opportunities are readily available throughout the organisation. Also, they support and encourage any development programmes that are created in the company and very often take a hands-on approach.
15 Leadership Qualities:

In this article, we will look at 15 key qualities leaders need to know and enhance throughout their different leadership roles.
- Authentic Passion
- Excellent Communication Skills
- Unshakable Confidence
- Team Loyalty (Commitment)
- Decision-making Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
- Integrity
- A Cool, Level Head (Stress Management and Problem-Solving)
- Enduring Patience
- Ability to Empower
- Personal Responsibility/Accountability
- Creative Approach
- Emotional Intelligence
- Tackle Tough Topics
- Adaptability
Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list. In fact, many other articles share their own version of their top lists; “5 Leadership Qualities to Have”, “The Top 7 Leadership Qualities to Develop”, etc.
For now, join us while we deep dive into our list of 15.
1. Authentic Passion
For a leader to be effective at motivating a team, they must display genuine passion and enthusiasm for it. There must be a drive to perform better, improve quality and deliver on client expectations at every turn.
If that enthusiasm isn’t there, it doesn’t matter how hard the leader tries to feign it. It will be obvious, especially to those working at a lower level. The result is a lacklustre effort that could be even more detrimental to a company than no effort at all.
This is one of the most critical leadership qualities, chiefly because company growth occurs when leaders look for pain points and address them. If a leader cares about a mission and the people behind it, they will actively seek opportunities to make things better.
2. Excellent Communication Skills
This trait is commonly listed as one of the top characteristics of a leader, and for good reason. A leader is responsible for delegating, directing and clarifying, among other roles.
To perform these tasks effectively, communication is key. Today, that challenge extends past having a clear telephone voice. Now, leaders are also expected to be able to craft emails, send group messages, and conduct video conferences with ease. Additionally, they are required to ensure their tone and body language match the message of their words to avoid sending mixed signals and causing confusion or even hostility.
3. Unshakable Confidence
The old adage is true: If you don’t believe in yourself, it’s difficult to make others believe in you. A successful leader is one who is sure-footed with clarity of mind.
Someone who goes back and forth second-guessing decisions is afraid to speak up, and blushes at the idea of assertiveness will only get so far. Of course, this isn’t to suggest that over-confidence is necessary. There’s a fine line between self-assurance and haughtiness, and shrewd leaders know how to walk it.
4. Team Loyalty and Commitment
A list of the top leadership qualities also includes loyalty. A loyal leader keeps the best interests of team members top of mind and ensures they have access to all the resources they need.
They do so because they understand that true loyalty often delivers in dividends. When you stick close to your employees and champion them, they’ll repay you with the same level of respect.
5. Decision-Making Skills
Everyone knows someone who spends 15 minutes looking over the menu at a fast-food restaurant. If a simple decision over what to eat is this gruelling, how will that person respond in a time-sensitive conflict resolution? What about other deadlines and deliverables?
One of the very powerful leadership qualities is the ability to think quickly, yet rationally. Anyone can rattle off an answer if the pressure surmounts enough, but coming up with a rational, timely response is a trait best honed over time.
A leader who constantly looks to others to make decisions for him should seek to sharpen his on-the-spot critical thinking skills. Not every business move should be made in a matter of minutes, but some important ones might need to be, and a leader should be ready to act appropriately.
6. Interpersonal Skills
Now, we see another commonly occurring quality on many top lists and for a valid reason. Leaders can’t achieve anything without their team behind them. For that to happen, leaders need to build relationships and connect with the team members in different ways.
These interpersonal skills can be learned and developed over time. Also, they can make a world of difference to the team dynamic and work environment, making them healthier and more likely to enhance productivity and performance across the board. Remember, it’s important for all leaders to connect with their team and create a winning formula to achieve company goals.

7. Integrity
The best leaders are those who demonstrate integrity in every step they take.
Sometimes, this means making sure an employee receives credit for a job well done. Or, it may require stepping in to mediate a conflict or make a difficult decision for the sake of the team.
In every instance, a leader will take an honest and conscientious approach. He will look at the situation from every angle, analyse the relevant data and make an informed decision that isn’t swayed by emotional appeal.
A focus on the facts and a steadfast commitment to the truth are leadership mainstays. Someone who is only looking to further his career and is willing to step on toes, hurt feelings and bend the truth to get there isn’t ready for such responsibility.
8. A Cool, Level Head (Stress Management and Problem-Solving)
Remember that scene in Office Space where everyone takes turns smashing the printer to bits in the field? Now, there are entire rooms where people can go and release their frustration and pent-up stresses against defenceless inanimate objects.
A leader might feel like acting out on occasion, but his team never knows it. An ability to handle even the most heightened, taxing problem without breaking a sweat is one of the valuable leadership qualities to have, and it isn’t easy to find.
Yet, it’s critical to possess. Indeed, a cool-headed leader can help mitigate and descale emotional circumstances whereas someone who yells at the drop of the hat will only exacerbate it.
9. Enduring Patience
Teaching and training others is one of the most important leadership qualities. That said, a leader has to be willing to grant a learning curve, especially to new employees. Expecting perfection right off the bat, then at every curve, is setting up even the most well-intended team for failure.
This doesn’t mean loosening expectations and allowing personnel to slack off. Rather, it means looking for reasons that someone may be falling behind, and then working diligently to get that employee back on track. In particular, it means fielding questions, adjusting expectations when appropriate and explaining processes in thorough detail.
Calmness and patience are also required when dealing with customers. When leading others, it’s important to lead by example and show how even the most frustrating customer can be handled with care. In this way, you are clearly showing your team how to perform and show respect to those you are dealing with.
10. Ability to Empower
Leaders don’t build thrones for themselves. Instead, they build ladders that help everyone climb up to the top. They aren’t afraid to share their expertise and allow others to shine.
Someone with the team’s best interest in mind seeks out opportunities to empower other personnel. This might mean sending them to professional training, encouraging them to pursue personal interests or helping them to seek advanced positions within the organisation.
They’re not looking to rule in solitude, but rather in solidarity. They’re eager to use their platform to help others get to the same space.
11. Personal Responsibility/Accountability
Managing others requires holding them responsible for their actions and keeping them accountable. It also means doing the same to yourself. A strong leader is able to bring to light any inefficiencies and help employees overcome them by taking a one-on-one problem-solving approach.
In the same vein, a leader can reward outstanding behaviour and use it as a benchmark to gauge other successes. If no one is monitoring performance at this level, both setbacks and achievements can be missed. This is unfortunate, as both allow opportunities for growth.
12. A Creative Approach
There are myriad industries in the world, but the businesses that comprise them are all trying to achieve the same aim: to create a product or service that people want.
A leader is someone who takes this age-old challenge and uses it as an impetus to find new discoveries and take uncharted approaches. He isn’t afraid to get creative, to reconsider an existing approach and to break new ground.
In short, he is innovative and future-focused, always looking for ways to improve and expand rather than staying content with the status quo.
Another thing? He isn’t afraid to fail. For example, he remembers that it took Thomas Edison 10,000 attempts to create the lightbulb, and uses setbacks as setups for success.
13. Emotional Intelligence
How can a leader guide others if he does not share in both their struggles and their wins? Emotional intelligence isn’t just one of the nice-to-have leadership qualities. It defines the way a leader interacts with subordinates.
It establishes an environment of trust and confidentiality, where employees feel comfortable sharing their concerns and airing their grievances to someone they know won’t mock or shame them, but rather actively listen to them.
An empathetic leader brings teammates together and helps them work through challenges. They are not there to judge or place unnecessary blame. Rather, they’re most interested in listening intently and making an informed decision. There is no room for excess scrutiny, nor is there time.
14. Tackle Tough Topics
No one likes having to let someone go. Also, no one enjoys bringing two conflicting parties together to seek a mutual resolution. And no one likes to be right in the thick of the drama, seeking any sort of silver lining available.
Yet, a leader has these hard conversations and makes these difficult decisions when they are necessary. He doesn’t shy away from situations that would make others run and is willing to step up to the plate.
Research shows that 69% of leaders are afraid to speak to their employees, especially on topics that aren’t a walk in the park. They fear reproach, a negative personal perception, and poor feedback. Put simply, it’s uncomfortable.
A reputable leader is someone who pushes through this discomfort and addresses an issue with grace and level-headedness.
15. Adaptability
Change is inevitable. Therefore, effective leaders can change with new trends and last-minute challenges. They don’t let these situations overwhelm them. Instead, they adapt well to these testing times and come out the other side with positive results and experiences where everyone involved can learn or enhance their skills and knowledge.
Adaptability is a necessity for all leaders in terms of the qualities they need to develop. Many different events will give leaders the opportunities they need to practice adapting to change.
Certain Qualities to Avoid to Lead Effectively

So, we looked at the 15 key qualities that make us more effective as leaders. However, it’s also important to know what characteristics to avoid. Now, let’s take a quick look at those so we know what to avoid. Remember, there can be bad leadership qualities too.
#1: Aggression
Now, while we want leaders to be assertive, it’s important to avoid crossing over to aggressive behaviour. There is a fine line between the two and effective leaders know the difference. Aggressive leaders often focus on the negative, using mistakes as a way of criticising and blaming others. On the other hand, assertive leaders will take a more positive outlook and avoid pointing fingers. So, let’s be assertive and confident rather than aggressive and arrogant.
#2: Personal Objectives
Unfortunately, some leaders are simply looking for what will bring them personal recognition and reward. Instead of looking out for the best interests of the company and their team, they are looking at self-worth and self-interest. Moreover, what we see is the leader ignoring the company goals in favour of their own personal objectives.
When this happens the team loses proper focus and direction. Instead, they are facing confusion and a lack of clarity about how to proceed. As a result, we see increased conflict, a lack of motivation, and less alignment with the company goals and objectives.
#3: Avoiding Conflict
Earlier, we saw that it was important for leaders to tackle tough topics and manage stress. Now, it’s important to know that leaders need to be able to manage conflict situations effectively. When leaders avoid managing conflict they simply set the scene for this issue to fester and grow, making the situation even worse. This quality is required for the team environment to become and remain harmonious.
#4: Arrogance/Know-It-All Attitude
Next, we’re looking at the pitfall some leaders fall into once they have a new level of authority and power. Arrogance deters followers from engaging with their leader. Often they show themselves to the team as knowing it all and not needing the input or expertise of those on their team. This will obviously create a wedge between the leader and their team, meaning the team will lose the required connection with those they are supposed to respect and follow.
#5: Micromanagement
Finally, one major quality to avoid is the trap of micromanaging those in your team. We acknowledge that training and support are required at certain stages with members of the team, especially those who are new to the team or starting a new role through promotions or transfers. However, ensure you allow others to learn as they develop and even to learn from mistakes. It’s a much more effective approach rather than micromanaging and creating resentment and frustration.
Cultivating These Leadership Qualities in Your Team

Not everyone is born with all of these traits. Some may possess a few leadership qualities, others may have most and others might have next to none. Also, you may have students learning leadership qualities and roles.
That’s where we come in:
We’re a qualified soft skills training provider, focusing on helping those within the UK grocery industry hone the kinds of traits required to succeed in this competitive realm.
From communication and conflict management skills to presentation and negotiation abilities, if there is an area you’d like your teams to sharpen, we can build a People Development Programme around it.
Take the time to learn more about what we do, browse our course listing and check out our e-learning offerings. Then, contact us to get started. Successful companies are built from within, so let us help you fortify your foundation.
Action: For even more useful content on leadership, check out our ultimate guide on Leadership Skills.
Updated: January 2024 by Ailish O’Rourke-Henriette