“The Architect”
To an INTJ, life is a giant experiment where the goal is to improve everything around them—projects, tools, relationships, theories, organisations. They seek to be competent in everything they do, and their ceaseless need for improvement means that good enough never is.”
– Anna Moss, The Secret Lives of INTJs.
What is This Type of Personality?
INTJ meaning refers to one of the sixteen personality types by Myers-Briggs. Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers developed MBTI. Interestingly, the INTJ personality type is commonly referred to as an architect personality. The INTJ full form is:
- Introverted
- iNtuitive
- Thinking
- Judging
Individuals with this personality type are very private, self-sufficient, and prefer to work alone. Their reasoning is straightforward, logical, and reasonable. People frequently misunderstand INTJs because they tend to be private, as their quietness is often mistaken for a lack of interest in other people or activities. However, that’s not the case. In fact, the interest is there, they simply display it differently.
Behind a tough exterior, an INTJ hides a sharp mind and quick wit. They are bright people who can succeed in business, science, or other academic endeavours. To imply that all INTJs are geniuses would be inaccurate. Although they are just as flawed as everyone else, they are known for being particularly intelligent.
I would sum up INTJs as “The geniuses with an attitude who are secretly judging you all for not being as perfect as them”.
Do cloying, manipulative remarks, or emotional strategies drive you nuts? Maybe you’re an INTJ. So read on to find out.

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What is an INTJ Female Like?
Among the MBTI personality types, INTJ women have some of the most adaptable and interesting personalities. Female INTJs make up just 0.8% of the overall population, so they are also the rarest personality type. They prefer to stay in quiet places where they can enjoy privacy and time alone, so you’re unlikely to find an INTJ female, especially if they don’t want to be found.

These women appreciate dark humour. People might find dark or “dry” humour offensive, especially coming from a female. The attraction of this humour is based primarily on wordplay and irony, rather than on any hurtful intent. So, within the right context, an INTJ woman will be seen as “witty” rather than unfeeling.
People think they are sad/upset. But in general, this is untrue. The INTJ female is accustomed to hiding her emotions, which results in the INTJ Death stare as her resting expression. (Don’t take it personally. Her thoughts are more interesting than what most people say – it’s not just you.)
3 Important Tips for INTJ Females
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#1: Expand Your Emotional Sensitivity
Female INTJs are typically independent and individualistic. You can achieve more goals as a group if you strive to become more sensitive to the personalities and capacities of your members. Respecting their ideas even if they contradict yours is crucial to the development of the group. To achieve this, get to know your members better. Observe how they operate in projects, events, and situations.
#2: Proactively Seek Feedback
Not the most comfortable thing to do, right? Female INTJ leaders are frequently stereotyped as being excessively independent and self-reliant. How do we break this habit?
First, ask mentors, peers, and reports for feedback after each project. It does not have to be a heavy and serious discussion. Make it a healthy exchange of ideas; an in-depth chat, if you will. Then, gather all the suggestions that can help your group or organisation plan and carry out its upcoming projects more effectively.
#3: Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate
Yes, you can be daring and domineering as a leader but power play, which may seem tempting to you, is not the route to take if you want to be an effective leader. Assigning roles where your members’ strengths can be utilised and highlighted for the benefit of the group is ideal now that you’ve investigated and discovered their strengths.
People want to be seen, appreciated, respected and loved. Show each member that they matter—you don’t have to be fake or gushing about it. Keep in mind that you are not the boss. As a leader, you serve a higher purpose, which is the welfare of the group.
Signs That You Are an INTJ
#1- You’re a High Achiever

In school or at work, you’re driven to turn in your best work. Making compromises doesn’t appeal to you. To continuously advance and grow, you enjoy competing with your prior successes as well as those of others.
#2- You’re Single-Minded
Here, you struggle to focus on several things at once because you’re so goal-oriented. Also, you enjoy completing one thing at a time and putting everything you have into the success of a project.
#3- You Feel Compelled to Search for Meaning
You’re not interested in surface details or fleeting pleasures. Long-term significance and meaning must be attached to the actions you take. In everything around you, you seek meaning. Philosophy, psychology, and even spirituality are likely to pique your interest as a result.
What Sets INTJ-A and INTJ-T Apart?
There are two types of MBTI INTJ. Both personality types are bold, determined, and future-oriented. The way that Assertive Architects and Turbulent Architects respond to pressures, however, differs noticeably. At their core, turbulent or assertive INTJs are all INTJs; they share the same cognitive characteristics that define them.
Note that none of them is more or less an INTJ. In contrast to the assertive INTJ personality type, which is bolder and has slightly stronger creative and insightful traits, the turbulent INTJ personality type is simply more cautious and observant.
INTJs and The Enneagram

Now, we’ll examine the INTJ through the lens of the Enneagram system.
So far, we’ve examined the INTJ using the Myers-Briggs® system. While the MBTI® explains how your mind works and processes information, the Enneagram reveals your childhood wounds, fears, and core desires.
For example, as an INTJ, you prefer abstract information to concrete information (which is why you are an N). You place logic and effectiveness above values and personal feelings. Introversion is the source of your energy, and judging is the method by which you react to your surroundings in a planned, deliberate manner.
Does this mean that all INTJs are the same? Absolutely not!
The Enneagram depicts nine possible types and the intricate relationships between them. These types describe your basic motivations, anxieties, strengths, and weaknesses. You can find out more about enneagrams at truity.
1. Enneagram Type One – The Perfectionist

They craft a near-utopian future using their intuition, but they then balance that future with their logical side. How realistic is that vision? What plans must be made to carry out that vision? They often have questions like these on their minds.
2. Enneagram Type Two – The Helper
One of the less frequent enneagram types among INTJs is this. When a problem arises, they offer guidance and intervene to try to resolve it. These INTJs have a strong sense of generosity and a desire to provide people with useful assistance. Often as the good Samaritans, they want to step in and smooth out situations for the people they care about.
3. Enneagram Type Three – The Achiever
Strategic and driven, INTJ Threes are more action-oriented than most INTJs. Their fear of mediocrity or failure is greater than anything else, and they have an unquenchable drive for success and excellence.
4. Enneagram Type Four – The Individualist
The INTJ Four are creative and introspective people who feel compelled to create a vision that fits with who they are. Their primary motivation is to discover who they are. These INTJs are the prototypical introverts; they frequently feel alienated and alone.
5. Enneagram Type Five – The Investigator
One of the more typical INTJ enneagrams is the number five. In every way possible, they seek knowledge of how the world functions. They research topics in-depth in the hopes that after gathering enough knowledge, they will feel competent and prepared to take on the world.
6. Enneagram Type Six – The Loyalist
The INTJ Six has vivid, far-reaching visions of the future and all the disasters that may come to fruition. They are always on the lookout for trouble – “sniffing the air” for any danger or treachery.

7. Enneagram Type Seven – The Enthusiast
INTJ Sevens give off an air of hope and visionary passion for the future. They see the value in each moment and see life as a gift to be discovered. The future appears to be full of possibilities, and they pursue their vision strategically.
8. Enneagram Type Eight – The Challenger
Highly independent and determined, Eights fight to achieve autonomy, strength, and confidence. They bring enormous energy to whatever task they decide to do, and follow through on their word while only embracing others who do the same.
9. Enneagram Type Nine – The Peacemaker
With this enneagram, INTJs frequently exhibit deep insight and vision. They look at things from so many different angles and perspectives that it can be challenging for them to adopt just one point of view. Less harsh than some INTJs, they try to keep their presence calm and their demeanour welcoming.
Is INTJ the Rarest Personality Type?
David Keirsey, a psychologist, estimates that 1% to 4% of people have an INTJ personality type. Only 2.4% of people in the UK are INTJs, making them one of the rarest personality types in the entire world. As a result, it is difficult for INTJs to find friends who share their values.
How Rare is a Female INTJ?
“INTJ is the most uncommon female personality type.” In fact, with only about 0.8 percent of the population. Women who identify as INTJs may be the least common gender/type combination. That means an INTJ woman may spend her entire life meeting only a few other similar women.
What are INTJ’s Strengths?
#1- Problem-Solving
This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, really. INTJs are the best problem solvers out there. In any situation, they can piece together the best result by looking ahead. Clearly, there are many advantages to this. Due to their willingness to find a solution to any problem, they can avoid conflict more easily, succeed at work, and even maintain better relationships.
#2- Imaginative
Undoubtedly, INTJs have creative minds. They can think broadly on a variety of topics, which is also what makes them excellent problem solvers. This is a significant asset in many aspects of life.
That is why you must have an INTJ on your team. These factors contribute to INTJs’ success in public relations, sales, fundraising, entrepreneurship, law, and education.
#3- Highly Independent
Both good and bad things can come from independence, but for now, let’s focus on the positives. You take initiative when you don’t really rely on other people. To some people, this might seem isolating, but to an INTJ, it’s gratifying. Simply because they prefer their information processing style and task performance over that of other personality types, they enjoy taking on and completing tasks alone.
What Are Their Weaknesses?

You might think INTJs are perfect, but they, like everyone else, have flaws. The INTJ personality downfalls include:
#1- Perfectionists
INTJs are perfectionists who expect to be perfect in their own right. As a result, they may set unrealistic expectations for themselves and others. When these objectives aren’t met, this causes disappointment.
If you ever want to elevate an INTJ’s blood pressure just say “Everything’s out of control”
#2- Distant
INTJs are typically distant. As they resolve issues in their minds, they prefer to remain private. Additionally, they might have a hard time understanding why they even need assistance. An INTJ is more likely to favour wisdom over comfort, even if they do ask for assistance.
You’re probably reading this and identifying with some of these characteristics. Let me give you a few pointers on how to use those trails to your advantage:
#3- Balance
INTJs can easily become preoccupied with their work. This will be thrilling for the person at the time, but it could have long-term effects on their relationships. Better work-life balance is something they should aim towards.
#4- Choose Your Fights
It is not necessary to argue every argument. INTJs respond in this way by default because they are overly rational and perfectionist. They need to comprehend that sometimes you have to let the little things go to accomplish the big things in the long run.
#5- Value People
You must accept that not everyone will fit your criteria. That doesn’t mean they can’t enrich your life. Accept people with all their flaws and accept that they will sometimes disappoint you. You won’t believe how this simple shift in perspective helped so many people!
#6- Learn to Unwind
INTJs frequently have hectic schedules. This causes them to neglect their physical and mental health. Learn to take breaks now and then. This will make you far less tense when dealing with others.
INTJs and Social Anxiety
Do you experience brain-freezing when someone tries to engage you in small talk? The best you can muster is a head nod or a few mumbled words. You experience dizziness, an adrenaline rush, and a growing urge to flee.
If these situations look familiar to you, you may have social anxiety, which is quite common among INTJs. It’s because they mature mentally much faster than others, and playing with kids their age seems childish and incapable of providing any opportunities for mental growth. This is the stage at which INTJs begin to spend time alone (often reading books) while others develop their social skills.
Then, eventually, INTJs notice that they are falling behind in social areas. Being perfectionists, INTJs then begin to overthink social situations and attempt to rationalise them. This is why INTJs have a really hard time connecting with people – they use the conscious mind while others just do it unconsciously.
Here is a Tip to Make Socialising Easier for INTJs
Ask questions: Ask questions about the person you’re talking to. About their job, whatever they are doing that might be interesting to you or something that you know they will know a lot about.

If someone likes playing games online, what way does it work, how long have they done it for, do they play with friends, what console do they prefer and why?
If they work at checkout, who’s the maddest customer they’ve had, what’s the oddest shopping basket they’ve seen, and how much does the average person spend?
You may not be 100% interested in what they say but you can learn and you will find that it keeps you interested and less anxious. A bonus point is that everyone loves talking about themselves so they will be content with you just listening to them.
Are INTJs Arrogant?
Outsiders or casual acquaintances may perceive their behaviour as arrogant. However, it only serves as a sign that INTJs frequently prefer solitude to social interaction. It’s possible that even close friends and family don’t always comprehend what makes an INTJ tick.
Are INTJs Selfish?
INTJs can appear selfish to others because they believe that telling the truth is more important than making others happy. Some people would rather live in their fantasies than know the truth because it hurts. However, it is not an INTJ thing.
In relationships, INTJs are rarely selfish. They are willing to give it all up because they care. If they aren’t madly in love with you, you might not be their top priority.
Are INTJs Confident?
INTJs rarely doubt themselves or give much thought to their perceived social roles, expectations, and so on. As a result, they are not afraid to express their own views.
Along with their logical mind, they also possess highly developed intuition, which they use to comprehend any concept in a flash. They trust their own judgments and opinions because they are aware that their intuition and understanding are frequently accurate.
INTJ Relationships
Who Do INTJs Want in a Relationship?
INTJs are very honest and direct, and they want a partner who is showing them their true self. Insincerity and phoniness are likely to turn them off very quickly. They are capable of handling direct honesty as long as it is not a staged personal attack.

In their partners, they typically look for the following qualities:
- Allow them the independence to achieve their goals
- Intellectual and dedicated
- Honest communicators
Maybe you have a crush on an INTJ. And, let’s face it, who doesn’t? Well, you should try asking them their theories about anything and listening to their plans as a way to show them that you care about them.
How Do INTJs Show Interest?
INTJs are very protective of their personal space, so if they’re casually touching you a lot then it’s a good sign that they’re interested in you. The first thing they might do is to lightly brush your hand as they reach for something.
INTJs love to envision the future and are long-term thinkers and planners. You can be pretty sure that INTJ won’t be leaving you behind if they mention you in passing in their future vision.
Who Should an INTJ Marry?
You might be surprised to learn that INTJs and ENFPs make a good pairing. In general, INTJ ENFP partners value learning new things and have a general intellectual curiosity. Discovering new things is incredibly essential to both the ENFP and the INTJ. When they first meet, it might be pleasant to converse with someone in depth about big topics rather than the small talk they both despise. “Opposites Attract,” I suppose.
Finally, the INTJ ENFP is such a terrific combination. They balance each other out. The ENFP may teach the INTJ how to incorporate more emotion into their decision-making and how to get to the heart of a problem. Conversely, the INTJ might assist the ENFP in making more logical and long-term decisions.
INFPs also make a good match with INTJs. They are frequently drawn to the INTJs’ ferocity, ambition, and self-assurance.
If you are an INTJ and thinking about tying the knot, you should keep an eye out for an ENFP or INFP.

Who is the Worst Match for INTJ?
If you’re wondering which personality type is least compatible with INTJ, look no further. ISFJ is the clear winner in this case. Architects and defenders share only one characteristic. ”Judgement,” comes as no surprise.
An INTJ may need to work harder to comprehend the more sensitive requirements of ISFJs. The ISFJ may misread the INTJ’s mannerisms and regard them as cold or uncaring. The INTJ will struggle to assist an ISFJ in changing because ISFJs want consistency in their routines throughout time. An ISFJ will dismiss the INTJ as too intellectual, preferring more current, pragmatic thinking.
How INTJs Deal with Breakups
INTJs need to give themselves plenty of time to process their feelings when they go through a breakup that is truly heartbreaking for them. Instead of trying to find answers or understand why they are feeling these emotions, they need to really allow themselves to feel every aspect of it.
INTJ as Parents
Architects want their kids to develop into capable, independent adults with distinct interests and superior critical-thinking abilities. Parents with this personality type look for age-appropriate ways to encourage their children’s independence rather than enforcing meaningless rules. INTJs are reserved parents who occasionally have communication issues with their kids on a variety of levels. They will, however, put forth great effort to get past these obstacles and be the best parents they can be due to their intense dedication to their goals.
If you are an INTJ and are having difficulty connecting with your child. Try some of the following suggestions:
1. Display Empathy
Often, you feel distant from the kids’ pain and other feelings-related stuff. You should push yourself to make more empathetic facial expressions, adopt more relaxed body language, and ask more questions.
2. Listen More Than Talk

Many INTJs have a tendency to want to explain everything to their children, even if that is not what they are looking for. To make your children feel more at ease around you, try to listen more. Give them the chance and space to express themselves. Also, allow them the opportunity to figure some things out on their own, without your input or explanation.
3. Pay Attention and Encourage Sharing
You should approach problems through the eyes of your children. Use phrases like “Wow!… Tell me more…” to encourage them to open up.
INTJs Career Paths
INTJs flourish in professions that let them put their unique skills to use to change the world for the better. Top job opportunities for INTJs include the following:
#1: Software Developer/Computer Programmer
Computer programmers create software for businesses or people. Excellent problem-solving abilities and meticulous attention to detail are requirements.
#2: Mathematician/Statistician
Mathematicians tackle problems in science, engineering, and business using sophisticated formulas and formulas. They resemble scientists who use numbers rather than materials.
Meanwhile, statisticians use statistical methods to examine large amounts of data.
What are Their Worst Career Paths?
#1: Police Officer
INTJs struggle with leading, managing, imposing, and dealing with impediments. These are also the basic requirements for becoming a good police officer. They are also completely uncomfortable dealing with a diverse group of people.
#2: Nurses
Nurses must interact with a variety of patients with varying personalities. You will understand how awkward this situation might be for you if you are an INTJ. In addition, being a nurse necessitates having a high level of empathy, which an INTJ is not typically known for.
What Makes INTJs Happy?
All in all, INTJs are happiest when they can apply their abilities and skills to better the lives of others or change the world. They enjoy working on tasks that challenge them to think creatively and solve problems in novel ways.

An INTJ must have the time and space to unwind from social situations. They will seek out privacy and solitude in order to recharge, much like a battery needs to be plugged in before it can regain lost energy. An INTJ will appreciate the freedom to process, meditate, and plan in whatever inward or outward form suits them.
Who are Some Famous INTJs?
1. Jane Austen (Writer)
Jane Austen was a typical INTJ. She had a strong desire to learn new things. Both reading and writing came naturally to her. Despite being sharp and intelligent, she was also reserved and introspective. Women who identify as INTJs are uncommon and frequently misunderstood. They are independent and think for themselves. The same can be said of Jane Austen. She was a woman ahead of her time. Sharp wit and social commentary are hallmarks of Austen’s works.
2. Ashley Olson (Actor & Designer)
Ashley Olsen is an INTJ. She is determined and resilient. She embraces challenges and pushes herself to achieve her goals. Ashley is always looking for new ways to grow and improve. She is honest and direct and expects the same from her friends. When it comes to those she cares about, Ashley is devoted and protective.
3. Greta Thunberg (Activist)
Greta Thunberg is an INTJ because they are known for their brilliant minds and ability to see the world differently. They’re also known for being independent, determined, and private individuals. INTJs are future-focused which enables them to see how things will play out in the future, just like Greta Thunberg, who is a climate change activist.

Which Personality Type is Elon Musk?
Elon Musk is an INTJ. He is innovative, driven, and efficient. Like an INTJ, he approaches problems logically and creatively. He’s always trying to push the boundaries, whether it’s by flying into space or revolutionising the auto industry. This personality type typically avoids taking risks and instead makes deliberate choices. This is what makes him such a successful entrepreneur.
INTJs are often called “the masterminds” because of their ability to see the big picture and come up with creative solutions. A prime example of an INTJ genius is Elon Musk. He is constantly considering how he can improve things and the future. He’s been able to pull off some pretty amazing feats because of his innovative thinking and systematic approach.
Which Characters Have INTJ Personalities?
You can find INTJ characters in all sorts of genres. If you’re looking for inspiration on how to write an INTJ character for your own story, here are some of the best examples:
#1- Belle from Disney’s Animated Beauty and the Beast
She hates routine and finds the people of the town to be beneath her. They don’t appear intelligent enough to her. She is often in her own head which the village observes in the same song, “her head up in the clouds.”
#2- Ford Pines from Gravity Falls (2018 Follower Favourite Winner)
Firstly, he has always been attracted to the abstract and interconnectedness of the unexplainable. Ford preoccupies his time with the reason behind things. Also, he puts this knowledge first and lets this dictate how the rest of the world and systems should align.
Anime Characters

#1. Levi
Captain Levi is the jewel in the crown of the Scout Regiment, and its fiercest and most shrewd soldier. He is an exceptionally gifted combatant and can singlehandedly turn the tide of a battle against both titan and human foes alike. He is also cold, rational, and slow to trust.
#2. Satsuki Kiryuin
Regrettably, it is most often the male characters in anime who have the INTJ personality type, while female characters are often stereotyped to possess more “emotion-driven” personality types. Nevertheless, many female anime characters are refreshing exceptions to the unfortunate rule, and Satsuki Kiryuin is no doubt one of them. Shrew, powerful, and commanding, Satsuki Kiryuin prides herself as the fearless leader of Honnoji Academy’s student council. She is a woman of ruthless tactical brilliance and commands her subordinates efficiently and without hesitation.
You can learn more about famous INTJ characters on this INTJ personality database.
Are They Born or Made?
Though the INTJ personality type is innate, it is still capable of development. The INTJ personality traits do indeed get better with age. Not every trait linked to a personality type will be present in a toddler. The environment and genetics both have an impact on this personality type. You, therefore, have the potential to affect your child’s growth even though you cannot currently change their genes. If you are aware of INTJ personality type members of your family who have enjoyed particular pastimes, think about encouraging your child to engage in similar activities.
The Takeaway
Perfectionists, like INTJs, demand that they be flawless. When their emotions are out of control or their lives are overstimulated by the outside world, they tend to withdraw from other people. Solitude provides comfort to INTJs because it allows them time alone with their thoughts, which they enjoy! Leading, managing, imposing, and overcoming obstacles are challenges they struggle with.
Want to find out which personality type you are? Sign up for this free test to find out now! You can also join this insightful training course to learn more tips on how to engage with people of different types and preferences.
Updated: November 2023 by Ailish O’Rourke-Henriette