Coaching Cards for Business Line Managers – Widest Range Anywhere

51% of Companies With a Strong Coaching Culture Have Higher Revenues Than Other Companies in the Industry

(source: Human Capital Institute, 2024)

Over 45 Coaching Decks Available

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish and feed him for life.”

Start Coaching Easily with Our Coaching Cards

Line managers tell but need to coach. But they don’t know how. Enter the coaching cards.

Explore our range of coaching cards that provide an easy framework for line managers to begin coaching their team, and themselves, across a range of soft skills.

From mental health and wellbeing to category management and negotiation, there’s a coaching card deck for everyone!

Our Coaching Cards are the most comprehensive available anywhere. With over 30 decks, we have more decks than anyone else and those decks include more coaching questions than anywhere else. Plus, we have a free coaching card tool that enables you to take a look at a third of the deck before you buy.

Google supports this move to coaching by leaders. They conducted an extensive project called ‘Project Oxygen‘. In which google reviewed and analysed over 10,000 performance documents. Their conclusion:

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Become the Best Version of Yourself

Our coaching cards support leaders and managers to become the best version of their coaching-self, by providing a easy-to-follow framework that enables them to begin coaching their team. Plus, they are very good for self-coaching, or ‘coach free’ coaching, as it is becoming known.

Coaching is fast becoming the skill that everyone in business wants to adopt. Moving from telling to coaching has been proven time and time again to be the way forward in people management.

Explore the Range

Take a look below at each of our coaching card decks. We’ve provided you with a brief summary of what the decks focuses on, and given you the links so that you can buy the deck of your choice on the platform of your choice!

Several packs of coaching cards laid out with Cards Bundle Pack above
MBM's Coaching Cards are available both online and printed

Advanced GROW

Advanced GROW Coaching Cards are for coaches. Coaches that wish to push further to achieve more with their coaches. These cards are not for the beginner or the intermediate coach. More for the established/advanced coach.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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The Angels deck is part of our Home Coaching Card range. These coaching cards are designed to spark conversation and interesting insights around the dinner table, between loved ones, friends, or colleagues.

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MBM Angels coaching card fanned out
MBM Angels coaching card fanned out
Be Your Eagle Coaching cards fanned out

Be Your Eagle

The Be Your Eagle deck features questions designed to help coachees identify their strengths & goals within productivity. Through these 80 goal setting cards coachees answer questions they don’t want to answer & reach for deeper solutions.

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Category Management

A specialist skill that is often upskilled through hearsay. To hone this skill well needs to be taught by experts in that skill. This deck will help you to coach yourself to be a more effective Category Manager.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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MBM Coaching card on category management fanned out
MBM Coaching card on category management fanned out
Conflict management coaching cards fanned out
Conflict management coaching cards

Conflict Management

Conflict Management Coaching Cards are for line managers who know that they should be coaching but don’t know where to begin. This deck features questions to help coachees identify their strengths & goals within conflict management. Through these 80 goal setting cards coachees answer questions they don’t want to answer & reach for deeper solutions when dealing with conflict at work.

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Couples Cards are for people that wish to ‘take stock’ of their relationship, take a fresh perspective on their relationship, and improve their relationship.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Couples Coaching Cards from MBM
Coaching cards for couples
MBM C-suite grow coaching cards fanned out
MBM C-suite grow coaching cards fanned out


C-Suite Cards are for coaches that coach C-Suites; chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), chief operating officer (COO), and chief information officer (CIO). Coaches that use these cards are established with a successful track record of coaching high levels individuals that want to improve themselves and their company’s performance.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Customer Service

Customer Service cards are for people managers and leaders to begin coaching their teams on customer service. These coaching cards provide an immediate and easy way to improve customer service in your business.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Customer Service
Customer Service
Date night coaching cards fanned out
Date Night 4 cards

Date Night

Date Night Coaching Cards are for any couples looking to deepen their connection, find date night ideas & explore their relationship. Whether newly attached or you’ve been married for years, this couples card game will unlock meaningful conversations & allow you to explore new areas of your relationship.

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Dinner Discussion

The Dinner Discussion deck are in our Home Coaching Card range, designed to bring new conversation, laughter, and reminiscing to any social gathering. The cards have 6 stages, all crafted to bring people closer together through the art of sharing and conversation.

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MBM Dinner discussion coaching fanned out
MBM Dinner discussion coaching fanned out
Development Conversation coaching cards from MBM Ad banner
Development Conversation cards

How to Have a Development Conversation

How to Have a Development Conversation Cards are for anyone that wants to find solutions, improve performance and get better results – theirs or their teams. They are particularly designed for line managers to be able to coach a member of their team to develop themselves.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Youtube video.


Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Coaching Cards are a produ collaboration with this NHS, and are for anyone who wants to improve their awareness, understanding and how they can create a welcoming team, company, and culture for all.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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EDI Coaching Card Image
EDI Coaching Card Image
Grow coaching cards fanned out
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These cards are an impressive deck of 80. Following the G.R.O.W. model, they help you to ask the most effective questions of your coachee.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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German GROW

The German GROW deck is the first of our language variations. As one of the biggest business languages, expanding into German means that a much wider audience can reap the benefits of the GROW coaching cards.

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GROW Coaching cards fanned out
Imposter syndrome coaching cards fanned out
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Impostor Syndrome

Our Impostor Syndrome Cards are for everyone that wants to understand, manage and overcome Impostor Syndrome.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Information to Insight

We devised the W.H.Y. model to focus your thinking in identifying insights by exploring and using the following approach ‘What are you looking for’,  ‘How will you find it’ and the ‘Yes you found it now what’. Our cards guide will provide you with questions, challenges, and thought provocation to help you identify better, faster, and more impactful insights.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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information to insight coaching cards fanned out
amazon imgs 2023 I2I-02
Interview Question learning Cards
Interview Question Coaching Cards

Interview Questions

Interview cards are for people that want to interview better. Asking better questions to get the very best from the interviewee, to understand whether they are a good match for the role and your business.

Use the online free tool showing about one-quarter of the deck.

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Leading people is a privilege and doing it well is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Coaching them to be the best version of themselves is key. These cards will help you to do just that – Lead well.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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leadership coaching cards fanned out
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Who is Caroline?

Your digital coaching assistant. All our decks of coaching cards but digitally and available on a monthly subscription. Click on the image to know more.

Links to Caroline Online Coaching Cards from MBM
This course enables your line managers to improve everyone's performance
learning skills coaching cards fanned out
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Learning Skills

Do you have a training course booked and are just going through the motions? Our Learning Skills Cards will ask you the right questions before, during and after training. Thus, enabling you to get a better return on the time you invest in training.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Mental Health

Concern for people’s mental health or well-being is becoming popular. And is the right thing for companies, leaders, and managers to concern themselves with. From a perspective of human-to-human people want to make sure that others are ok. From a company perspective, a happy employee is a productive employee.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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mental health coaching cards fanned out
amazon product images-mh
negotation skills coaching cards fanned out
amazon product images-negot

Negotiation Skills

Do you worry about Negotiating? Feel like you are not properly prepared? Concerned that you may lose? These negotiation skills cards will help you to feel more in control, more confident and better prepared to negotiate more effectively. Good negotiators are not born with the skill they only become good by practising and training.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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NLP Coaching Cards are for coaches that would like to add another dimension to their coaching. An understanding of NLP is desired, though not absolutely necessary to be able to use these cards (Neuro-linguistic programming is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States, in the 1970s). These cards are grouped into 4 stages; M.O.V.E – Model, Operate, Values, and Evolve.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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new manager coaching cards fanned out
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New Manager

Feeling Overwhelmed, Not In Control, and Unconfident about your Managerial Skills? These New Manager Coaching cards will help you to understand where you are and where you want to get to, giving you a Goal to work towards. You will then explore the Reality, giving you Options and a Way Forward to achieve your Goal.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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The Parenting deck is part of our Home Coaching Card range, and are designed to help parents at whichever stage of parenting they are at. The cards are divided into 6 sections, to guide parents through every stage of parenting with ease.

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MBM Parenting coaching card fanned out
MBM Parenting coaching card fanned out

Personal Values

People managers & leaders, beginner coaches at work, even qualified coaches, or for those that simply want to become the best version of themselves. These Coaching Cards provide an immediate and easy way for a person (coach) or a team to understand what is important to them and how their values differ, which really helps teams to become better teams.

You do not have to be a qualified coach/trainer to use them.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Persuasion Techniques

People managers & leaders, beginner coaches at work, even qualified coaches, or for those that simply want to become the best version of themselves. These Coaching Cards provide an immediate and easy way to improve your ability to persuade others to do what you want them to do.

You do not have to be a qualified coach/trainer to use them.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Persuasion Techniques
Persuasion Techniques
Image Coaching Cards from MBM Ad banner
Image Coaching Cards Free Online Tool


Picture Coaching Cards are for anyone that wants to find solutions, improve performance and get better results – theirs or their teams. These are also ideal for managers or for every day.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

Our MBM shop.



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Presentation Skills

These presentation skill cards will help you feel more in control, more confident and better prepared to present more effectively. Great presenters are not born with the skill, they only become great by practising and following a tried and tested structure.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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presentation skills coaching cards fanned out
amazon product images-ps
Resilience Coaching Cards from MBM Ad banner
Cards for building resilience


Resilience Coaching Cards are for Coaches and also for those that say to themselves ‘I mustn’t take it personally’. Or ‘I must be a bit tougher’. The content of these resilience cards has been created by a registered psychotherapist. The cards are split into 4 stages; M.I.N.D – Mindset, Importance, Network, and Direction.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Revision Coaching Cards are for students, teachers, or parents who want to coach themselves and others on revision. The content of these revision cards has been created by Professor Jaap Murre of the University of Amsterdam.

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Revision Coaching Cards fanned out
Self talk coaching cards fanned out

Self Talk

Self Talk Coaching Cards are for line managers who know that they should be coaching but don’t know where to begin. The Self Talk deck features questions designed to help coachees identify their strengths & goals within self talk. Through these 80 goal setting cards coachees answer questions they don’t want to answer & reach for deeper solutions.

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Sticky Learning®

Sticky Learning Coaching Cards are for people that have just attended training courses, and are afraid that they’ll do nothing differently. These cards will help you to get the very most from the training. Maximise your return on investment.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Sticky Learning training tool from MBM Ad banner
Cards to master Sticky Learning

Stress Management

Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declared stress a hazard of the workplace. The cards have been written by Dr Rebecca Williams, who is an NHS GP and a stress management consultant.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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Team Building

Team Building Coaching Cards are for line managers who know that they should be coaching but don’t know where to begin. They are for teams who need to collaborate & work together better through team building exercises.

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Teambuilding Coaching Cards fanned out


Teenagers Coaching Cards are for parents and teenagers looking to improve their teenagers’ confidence, mental health, and wellbeing. The content of these revision cards has been created by Kate Hoyle, a Clinical Hypnotherapist who specialises in helping teenagers overcome anxiety and low self-esteem.

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Time Management

Considered as the king of soft skills, time management is the skill that unlocks all others. This is because if your time management is poor, you will struggle to achieve significant productivity with your time.

Our online tool gives you access to some of the cards for free.

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time management coaching cards fanned out
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Workplace wellbeing coaching cards fanned out


Our wellbeing deck is a collaboration with CEO of WellWise, Bobbi Hartshorne. The deck utilises the GROW model to enable line managers to coach their team on improving their wellbeing, and understanding their goals around this.

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Women Coaching Cards are for line managers who know that they should be coaching but don’t know where to begin. They are for women in the workplace to identify & overcome key barriers. The content of these revision cards has been created by Jackie Lanham, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and an International Coaching Federation certified coach. 

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Women Coaching Cards fanned out
Sleep coaching cards fanned out


Ideal for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality and adopt healthier bedtime habits. Perfect for personal use, coaching sessions, or team exercises focused on wellness and self-awareness.

Our MBM shop.



Football coaching cards are designed for managers, sports coaches, and self-improvement enthusiasts seeking to inspire reflection and growth. Ideal for 1-2-1 meetings, team exercises, or coaching sessions, helping users clarify goals, identify strengths, and enhance communication.

Our MBM shop.


Football coaching cards fanned out
Sustainability coaching cards fanned out


Ideal for managers, team leaders, and individuals committed to embracing sustainable practices. Perfect for team-building exercises, 1-2-1 meetings, or personal sustainability exploration, helping users drive eco-friendly strategies and foster collaboration.

Our MBM shop.



These Christmas Family Revelations cards are designed for anyone looking to add a little extra joy to their holiday celebrations. Whether you’re hosting a festive dinner, gathering around the tree, or winding down after a delicious Christmas meal, these cards are ideal for bringing everyone together. Packed with quirky and fun Christmas facts, they’re a great way to spark conversation, share laughs, and create lasting memories with loved ones of all ages.

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Christmas coaching cards fanned out

Always Growing…

We’re continually adding to our coaching card range with new and innovative decks to keep up with trending issues, and essential coaching topics.

If you have any questions or wish to purchase in bulk please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Links to the specific decks are above, but in case you’d like a general browse, we’ve popped the shop links below too:

Happy Coaching!

For more coaching support, check out our Free Coaching Skills Ultimate Guide.

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Coaching Skills TipsCoaching Techniques & Models

Ultimate Guide

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Pack of MBM Coaching card on yellow background

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