Find the Best Learning Videos on the Internet HERE!
Welcome to our best learning videos on the internet! Explore captivating content ranging from leadership insights with David Marquet’s “Greatness” to innovative teaching methods in “Spiraling the Curriculum to Get Sticky Learning” with Kristin. So whether you seek inspiration or practical tips, our curated collection has something for everyone, providing diverse pathways to expand their minds and unlock their full potential!
1. Inno-Versity Presents: Greatness by David Marquet
David Marquet single-handedly “turned his ship around” when he became captain of the USS Santa Fe, a nuclear-powered submarine. Initially, the crew, which had ranked dead last in retention and operational standings, faced significant challenges. However, by treating his crew as leaders, not followers, Marquet’s sub went from “worst to first.” Consequently, Marquet addresses audiences who aspire to create empowering work environments that release the passion, initiative, and intellect of everyone on their team.

2. Spiraling the Curriculum to get Sticky Learning
Kristin is a school principal. She is passionate about working with teachers to help students learn in a way that sticks through a spiralling curriculum. And she believes in the effectiveness of this approach. So check out her video below.

3. Why Learning is Quicker Than You Think It Is
Here’s the third of our best learning videos. Mike Boyd makes videos documenting his process of learning stuff as quickly as possible.

Sticky Learning ® is 7 times more effective than 1-day training courses. Plus, you will get a Chain of Evidence proving your Return on Investment. Discover soft skills training that changes behaviours long term.

4. Busting the Mehrabian Myth
Can words really account for only 7 per cent of the meaning of a spoken message? Well, this question is explored in a short video animation that puts ‘Mehrabian’s rule’ under the magnifying glass. Through this analysis, it becomes evident why such a claim cannot hold true.

5. Neuroplasticity
Here’s another of our Best Learning Videos. The Sentis Brain Animation Series takes you on a tour of the brain through a series of short and sharp animations. And in this particular video, explains how our most complex organ is capable of changing throughout our lives. Additionally, this inspiring animation demonstrates how we all have the ability to learn and change by rewiring our brains, showcasing the remarkable adaptability of the human mind.

6. How to Study Effectively with Flash Cards – College Info Geek
Next up on our best learning videos. Now flash cards can help you learn and memorise information quickly. Even more, they’re one of the most powerful tools you can use when it comes time to study for exams.

7. One Thing to Know About Your Brain that Will Change Your Life | Ann Herrmann-Nehdi | TEDxTyron
Ann poses the question, “Do you manage your brain or does it manage you?” This inquiry prompts introspection regarding our relationship with our minds. Consequently, to unlock our full potential and optimise brain function, comprehending its workings and employing effective strategies is essential. By delving into the mechanisms of our brains and adopting effective strategies, we can seize control of our cognitive processes and leverage their potential to enrich our lives.

8. Think Like Your Future Depends on it Because it Does | Ann Herrmann-Nehdi | TEDxBigSky
The question is: how can you become future-ready when your current knowledge might obstruct your learning process? This dilemma underscores the necessity for a transformative shift in thinking. Moreover, in a world characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, you must utilise all your cognitive abilities, not just your specialised skills, to prepare for the future. However, there’s good news: your brain is the ultimate tool for this task. By employing specific mind hacks grounded in creative thinking and learning, you’ll be equipped to adapt and thrive amidst rapid change.

9. The First 20 Hours – How to Learn Anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU
Finally, the last of our best learning videos. Josh Kaufman is the author of the #1 international bestseller, ‘The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business’, as well as the upcoming book ‘The First 20 Hours: Mastering the Toughest Part of Learning Anything.’ With a specialisation in teaching people from all walks of life how to master practical knowledge and skills, Kaufman has made significant contributions to the field of self-education. In his talk, he shares how having his first child inspired him to approach learning in a whole new way, emphasising the transformative power of personal growth and adaptability.

So that’s it for our best learning videos. Check out our YouTube channel!