‘The Visionary’
Here, in this complete guide, you’re going to discover all about ENTPs and their personality type. You’ll learn the best way to build a memorable relationship dynamic with them, develop an advantageous partnership at work, or how to converse with your ENTP clients. And of course, if you’re an ENTP, you’re in for a treat.
The Questions are always more important than the answers” – Randy Pausch
As 4.3% of the population and one of four rationales, ENTPs are all about theoretical ideas and possibilities. Therefore, in a world where old structures are being shaken to their core (and about time), ENTPs are at the forefront.
However, the question is: how can you embody the best of ENTP and become a better version of yourself? Well, that’s where this complete guide comes into play.

Meaning of ENTP
ENTP is one of the 16 personality types from the Meyer-Briggs MBTI theory. Those 16 profiles are divided into 4 different quadrants or families which we call:
- Rationales (INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP)
- Idealists (INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP)
- Guardians (ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ)
- Artisans (ISFP, ISTP, ESFP, ESTP).
Here, we will be focusing specifically on the ENTP type and all the factors that go along with that.

But, just in case your curiosity is getting the better of you, you can check our ultimate MBTI guide (Myers Briggs). And if you want to confirm you are an ENTP, you can go through this short MBTI test.
Now, back to ENTP. The full meaning of the acronym ENTP is:
- ‘E’ for Extrovert,
- ‘N’ for iNtuitive,
- ‘T’ for Thinker, and
- ‘P’ for Perceiver.
So, let’s begin with 28 short quotes from Heidi Priebe which will give you a good head start. Which one is your favourite? Which one do you resonate the most with as ENTP?
Actually, “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz was written for you. You see, as a big thinker, a champion of the people, and for the people, you also thrive in debates. You are the Devil’s Advocate per excellence (if you haven’t seen that movie, you’re missing out).
Common ENTP Characteristics
The ENTP personality type has many amazing qualities and characteristics that set them apart from others. So, let’s have a look at some of them now, you might just connect to what we share.
#1: Innovation
First, they are inspired to find solutions and create new ideas. Their driving passion is for change and something new. They often look at solving problems others struggle with. Also, they are not afraid to try new approaches.
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#2: Debate
Next, they are spirited debaters, who relish the opportunity to discuss topics with anyone who is up for the challenge of a lively back-and-forth. However, they are not judgmental and are ready to listen to the ideas and opinions of others. Bring on the intellectual sparring and they’re right at home.
#3: Curiosity
So, they are very curious about what is going on. They want to understand the ins and outs of a problem or situation. This curiosity leads to exciting new ideas and great brainstorming sessions with ENTPs.
#4: Open-mindedness
Here, they are ready to meet new people and hear ideas and suggestions from all different types of personalities. Actually, they thrive on gaining new knowledge and information from different sources. Then, they like to rework those ideas with their own to achieve results.
So, as you can see, the ENTPs have some great characteristics that make them who they are.
Is ENTP a Rare Personality?
Well, PsychCentral confirms that ENTPs make up between 2% to 5% of the population which matches Psychology Junkie’s estimate of 4.3%. So, is it enough to rank as the rarest personality? Actually, both truity and career planner rank ENTP as the fifth-rarest personality type. Meaning, you are indeed one of a kind and a gem to keep. It’s a good thing you are a thinker at your core. As a result, as people are not essential for your well-being, you crave ideas and possibilities more.
What about ENTP Women?

Actually, 2% is the number. Yes, that’s how much ENTP females are rare. ENTP women are fierce and tenacious, they make outstanding Lawyers (Erin Brockovich anyone?) and thrive in the medical field. Here, let’s look at some specific qualities for the ENTP females.
- First, they are less sensitive than some of their counterparts. Meaning, they are more rational and can deal with emotional situations in a more practical way.
- Next, avoid micromanaging them. They need their space and rime do get on with their tasks themselves. So, don’t crowd them.
- Also, they are risk takers. They are ready to try new things and go out on a limb for new idea they have and want to test.
- Then, we see the their curiosity come out through different tasks and projects. They want to know more and will openly search for information and content.
- Additionally, they like to test how far they can bend, if not break, the rules.
- Finally, they have drive and ambition. So, you will see them working hard to climb the career ladder to achieve their potential and goals.
ENTP Personality Type Dimensions
Ready or not, here we go for a deep dive into each of the 4 dimensions of MBTI.
1st Dimension: Are ENTPs Introverts?
On the contrary, it’s quite the opposite actually. As an extrovert, ENTPs gain energy (and feel re-vitalised) by being with people – not necessarily all the time (we are all on a spectrum and having time alone is also something you enjoy). Your preferred way of communication is by talking which allows you to work out ideas by bouncing them off people. Also, you learn best by doing and discussing.
Contrary to the introvert (your opposite), you have a lot of different interests, preferring quantity over quantity (not that you don’t like quality). Actually, you love so many different things, you simply don’t have time to perfect each and everyone, and your focus tends to be in width when it comes to your interests.
Also, ENTP is sociable and expressive – they over-share personal information and sometimes can invade other people’s privacy (not willingly of course – it’s their way to show they care). As an ENTP, you are a little more reserved and share less than a Feeler type. ENTP often takes initiative regardless of the situation, preferring to interact and connect with people.

So, are you really an extrovert? Or maybe, just maybe, an ambivert? One of the top organisational psychologists, Adam Grant, conducted studies that showed that 2/3 of the population are ambiverts.
2nd Dimension: How Do You Process Information as an Intuitive Type?
Commonly, ENTPs are idea intuitive. They excel at linking information, creating patterns, and focusing on the big picture and possibilities. In their process of pattern creation, they notice anything new or different right away, they are that good. However, the present doesn’t interest ENTPs. Instead, they prefer a look at the future and what it entails. Empowered by a strong gut instinct, they like to figure things out for themselves, even if it takes more time than asking for help or guidance.
3rd Dimension: Decision Making
So, let’s move to the third dimension. Are you objective or subjective when making decisions?
Now, it’s decision time for ENTP, the time to remove the rose-tinted glasses, put humans and values aside, and be objective. To clarify, it’s not that ENTPs are not compassionate, it’s just that it’s easier to leave emotions aside and look at the decision with a black-and-white vision. After all, Henry Ford said it best: “If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse.” That’s how ENTPs think big and objectively.
Usually, they consider the pros and cons of ideas, information, and opinions. Therefore, work harmony and being good with colleagues are not a priority. Instead, ENTPs prefer to concentrate on the task at hand. In fact, they can be harsh with their fellow Feelers sometimes (without really meaning it) by giving critiques and quickly looking for errors (instead of improvements). They do have fairness in their dictionary and like to treat everyone equally. One question keeps revolving in the mind of ENTP: “Is this logical?”
4th Dimension: Idea of Freedom

And finally, the fourth dimension – lifestyle.
So, why be stuck in a 9 to 5 when you can work on your laptop from anywhere in the world? Well, that could be an ENTP motto. No for tight deadlines, no for strict schedules! Yes, ENTPs are perceivers and loving it. They enjoy surprises and adapting to last-minute changes. As a result, flexibility is key for their lifestyle, especially when it comes to plans. In fact, the most beautiful gift a perceiver can receive is the freedom to be spontaneous. Be careful though, they may run late for meetings.
ENTP Strengths
There are many significant strengths directly related to the ENTP personality type. Let’s review some of those now.
#1: Confidence
So, this personality type has great self-confidence. This comes from their hunger for knowledge and information. Meaning, that they will be well prepared for debates and discussions that come up and confident in their opinions and input. Also, they are confident when trying new things and developing new ideas. Why? Because they are analytical and have already thought through the whole idea before launching into it. They know their stuff and that increases their confidence levels.
#2: Adaptability
Now, they are the type of personality who can adapt very easily. As we said, they are innovative. As such, they are able to think on their feet and come up with solutions to problems quite quickly. Also, they have the approach of “take it as it comes”, so they’re not stuck with rigid approaches and are ready to change when needed.
#3: Charismatic
Naturally, this personality type has a lot of charisma and charm. Some of that comes from their high levels of confidence and energy. As a result, this level of charisma means that others are ready to listen to their ideas and opinions as well as climb on board when they have a new project to try. As such, they have many followers. Here, they hold people’s attention with their forward-thinking and innovative ideas. Also, they compel the listener to feed off their excitement about something new or challenging. Here, picture Tony Stark, for example.
#4: Integrity
Now, they value truth and display that in their own actions and behaviour. Therefore, this is a strength of character that allows for transparency and honesty. For example, during debates, they will stick to the facts of the topic and will avoid exaggerating or embellishing. Instead, they will give the cold, hard facts regardless of how they might make people feel. Some may argue that they can be TOO honest at times. However, their strength lies in being ready to speak the truth.
ENTP Weaknesses
Like all types, ENTPs have their weaknesses too. Here are some to be aware of.
#1: Boredom
Here, our ENTPs can get bored with an idea or project quickly. In fact, once the creative stage is over, they start to lose interest quite quickly. Unless there are challenges along the way in the project that spark their interest again.
Also, they dislike the practical matters of making things happen. Remember, they are the thinkers. It’s one of their key qualities. So, don’t be surprised if your ENTP colleagues disappear during the “doing” stage of tasks.
#2: Dislike Structure
Now, as we saw, they like to go with the flow, take things as they come. Therefore, structure, rules and regulations don’t sit well with them. As a result, you will see them challenging procedures and processes, especially if they feel they know a better way of doing things. Here, give them some wiggle room to bend the rules a bit without breaking them.
#3: Impractical by Nature
Ideally, the ENTPs want to stay in the creative zone they are most comfortable in. As a result, they are often impractical about the development of their creative ideas into reality. Actually, they want others to worry about those details. After all, they came up with the idea and, for them, that was the hard part. So, we often see great ideas but impractical applications based on resources, equipment or technology that’s actually available to achieve the end result.
#4: Insensitive Towards Others
Earlier, we mentioned their passion for debates and lively discussions. That’s a great quality to have. However, it can come at the expense of the feelings of others involved. For instance, they can get caught up in their need to be right. Therefore, the impact it has on others is often overlooked. Now, they don’t do it intentionally. In fact, once they are aware of any offence or hurt they may have caused, they will usually reduce their enthusiasm for the sake of keeping the peace.
ENTP-t (the 5th Dimension)
Next, we will take a quick look at the 5th dimension of ENTPs. T for Turbulent. Turbulent ENTPs (ENTP-t) are less assertive and require more attention and approval than Assertive ENTPs (ENTP-a). In fact, they tend to be more self-conscious when surrounded by people. On the other hand, they are a little bit more open to talking about their feelings than ENTP-a. They can react more defensively, blame, and criticise more than ENTP-a. By the same token, both ENTP-t and ENTP-a have different responses to stress. In short, the 5th dimension is all about confidence.
And now, let the wedding bells start ringing!
ENTP and Relationships

So, who should you marry? Rationales are most compatible with Idealists. Being a Rational, ENTP have the best flings and passionate short-term relationship with INFJs, while they have the best long-term lovey-dovey relationship with ENFJ.
As a rule of thumb, it’s important to have a balance of two traits in common and two complementary. Ideally, the two in common will help you feel at home with the person, and the two complementary will give you the friction to keep the sparks alive. However, choosing the right combination to find your ‘almost’ ideal match will depend on your upbringing, your current environment (and if you want to change it), and the goals you want to achieve in life.
With that in mind, ENTPs actually make a great match with INTJs and INFJs. The laid-back, calming nature of these 2 personality types helps balance the energy and enthusiasm of the ENTPs. Again, imagine Tony Stark – his match was the more level-headed Potts.
Now, just like zodiacs or other templates for finding a “perfect” match, there is no system set in stone to determine who is meant for whom. Instead, multiple different factors will always play a part.
In Love

Here, ENTPs are expressive (extrovert), curious (intuitive and thinker), and spontaneous (perceiver) when in love. They enjoy a good debate with their partner and when their partner plays along this is a big turn-on for them.
Commonly, ENTPs might want to be cautious if they are dating an introvert as they may inadvertently irritate them. Another point worth working on is about being more emotionally vulnerable.
A life and love full of adventure, new experiences, and ongoing change drives ENTPs insanely in love.
Learning & Growing
Here, let’s take a glimpse into how you became you.
ENTP, just like any other personality type, goes through three phases of transformation in their lifetime. Phases can be shorter or longer depending on your nature, the environment you are growing up and developing into, and your career.
#1: Childhood
So, the first phase is obviously childhood. As highly charismatic children, ENTP’s main development at this stage is their extroversion and their intuition. For them, the outside world is like a playground they enjoy messing around in, meeting new and different people, debating, and sharing their ideas, and developing their extroverted activities, which mainly consist of gathering knowledge.
#2: Adolescence to Early 30s
Next, the second phase happens between adolescence and early 30s. This is where ENTP develop the second faculty – introverted sensory and is at odds with their dominant function of extraverted intuition. Now, during this stage, they also develop their auxiliary function: introverted thinking. Extreme activities will rise here such as joining the marines or starting a music band. For some, the internal struggle can last a while.
#3: Integration
Finally, the third and final phase of development for ENTP is the integration phase. This is where all the pieces of the puzzle click together. Here, we see them settle into their natural flow. Also, they become more comfortable with the different aspects of their personality as it all settles into place.

How E & I can help complement each other
Here, extroverts can help introverts open their sphere of influence by:
- Moving into action.
- Broadening their ideas.
- Amplifying their energy focus.
- Expanding their interaction.
- Widening their network.
- Providing extensive information.
Alternatively, introverts can help extroverts centre themselves by:
- Reflecting more.
- Scanning through ideas.
- Deepen their calmness.
- Strengthen their concentration.
- Deepen their friendships.
- Listening to others.
How S & N can help complement each other
Ideally, sensors can help intuitivist be more practical by:
- Adding more facts.
- Providing more practical and realistic information.
- Looking deeper at the details.
- Applying their experience when solving problems.
- Focusing on what needs attention now.
- Focusing on the present.
On the other hand, intuitive can help Sensors recognise the inter-connectedness by:
- Looking at new ideas.
- Creating change.
- Being open to looking at trends.
- Applying insight and pattern recognition to solving problems.
- Focusing on long-term goals instead of short-term goals.
- Focusing on future possibilities.
How T & F can help complement each other
Primarily, thinkers can help Feelers get clearer and more direct by:
- Analysing the implications and consequences.
- Being consistent with rules.
- Standing firm on important principles.
- Being more objective when making decisions.
- Having specific criteria allows a clearer thinking process.
Additionally, feelers can help Thinkers reconnect by:

- Predicting how others will react and feel.
- Making individual exceptions when necessary.
- Accepting human-centred values.
- Allowing better cooperation and collaboration.
- Creating a more harmonious environment.
How J & P can help complement each other
Here, judgers can help perceivers be more productive by:
- Being more organised and decisive.
- Sharing decisions and moving ahead.
- Being in control.
- Having closure.
- Focusing on tasks and goals.
- Providing clear expectations and timelines.
By comparison, feelers can help Judgers be open to possibilities by:
- Being more flexible and adapting better.
- Dealing with situations as they arise.
- Embracing new experiences.
- Being open to options.
- Being open to new information.
- Accepting change.
Well, some great points, right? Now, as an ENTP, your opposite would be ISFJ. I’d like to invite you to choose one point of each of your opposite (that makes 4 points) and develop them, making them part of you.
How to Communicate with your ENTP Manager, Colleague, or Romantic Partner

So, do you want to get the most out of your ENTP colleague/employee/boss, or romantic partner? Actually, it’s quite simple. Just act as they would, and they will love you for it. So much so, that you will see their productivity skyrocket, their affection for you increases, and more.
The 5 ENTP Rules for the Introvert (rule 0: let’s connect)
Here, let’s see some best practices for ENTPs to use when interacting with their opposites, the introvert.
- Show you are listening by acknowledging and hinting you are preparing an answer.
- Try using your body language to express your interest and enthusiasm such as leaning forward, nodding, smiling, and most importantly eye contact.
- Be ready to share more information (others would want feedback).
- Take initiative sometimes and introduce yourself or start a conversation.
- Expect not well-thought-out words as extroverts think out loud.
The 6 ENTP Rules for the Sensor (rule 0: dream a little, you are allowed)
Next, we have some simple rules to follow for better results in dealing with Sensor types.
- Provide a birds-eye view, big picture, or overview before going into the facts and details.
- Don’t stay too long on facts and details.
- Share the main points and if necessary, add some details.
- Show the potential of your ideas, and where they could lead, ENTP likes to dream up possibilities.
- Don’t get stuck on facts, be open to changing what doesn’t work – have a leap of faith.
- Sharing is caring, giving space for ideas and dreams (don’t be a party pooper).
The 6 ENTP Rules for the Feeler (rule 0: people buy emotions, not facts)
Now, let’s see what we need to focus on with the Feelers.
- Take the time to get to know INFPs and develop a rapport with them.
- When you are listening, avoid criticism.
- Remember to be friendly and offer support and encouragement.
- While honest feedback is important, remember to provide it gently and to critique the behaviour instead of the person – acknowledge don’t analyse feelings and values.
- While focusing on your tasks and objectives, remember that individuals are also involved in the situation – adding a personal touch would go a long way.
- Focus on creating a win-win situation, not everyone likes competition.
The 5 ENTP Rules for the Judger (rule 0: “There is no shred of evidence that life is meant to be serious.” Unknown author)
Finally, here are our top tips for ENTPs to follow with their Judger counterparts.

- Before making decisions, explore alternative opportunities.
- To make sure the project goes to completion, discuss, and establish a timeline together with the ENTP instead of just giving them a deadline. That way it looks as if the deadline is intrinsic rather than forced upon them.
- Avoid making quick decisions and rather seek additional information before making a decision.
- Try to be open to change – whether the situation, the dynamic or even the plan.
- Set your perfectionism aside and be willing to take a few steps even if your master plan is not ideal yet.
What Stresses ENTP?
Naturally, we all get stressed and have our triggers that heighten the levels we experience. Therefore, it’s always good to know what we should look out for.
The 5 Stressors Linked to Their Extroversion
First, let’s see key stressors that impact the extrovert part of the personality.
- Working by themselves.
- Communicate by email most of the time.
- Intense focus periods with no breaks.
- Having to reflect before action.
- Focusing on one thing at a time.
The 4 Stressors Linked to Their Thinking
Now, we will see what triggers the thinking element.
- Adjusting to personal preferences and needs.
- Focusing on the positive of a situation.
- Making decisions based on values and empathy.
- Answering questions that seem inappropriate.
Remember, we all suffer from stress. And, we all have our different triggers. Ideally, once we know what our main triggers are, we are better able to identify them and manage the stress better.
So, are you up for a challenge? Here, I would like to invite you to work on one of the points mentioned so that you are in control of your stressor rather than them controlling you. And remember, “Rome was not built in a day.” Take it one bite at a time. And every time do one smaller step.
Careers Best Suited for ENTPs
So, what would be ideal careers for this personality type? ENTPs are charismatic debaters, they are motivated by ideas and possibilities. With that in mind, here are a few ideal careers for an ENTP:
- Management consultant
- Advertising manager
- Architect
- Software Developer
- Technical writer
- Physicist
- Lawyer
Fancy any of those roles?
As an NT, your main strength is applying creative solutions to complex problems and debating deep topics. It’s all about idea possibilities. As a result, you solve problems and make decisions using your NT functions (remember the 5 values, which will go a long way to knowing your ENTP career path).
With N you tune in to causes, generate alternatives, and seek patterns related to the problem. With T you see where the decision fits with the vision and the systems of the organisation and assess the effect on both. Then, you determine how to debate with others to get to your solution.

The charismatic leader. Imaginative, entrepreneurial, forward-thinking. ENTPs, as skilful debaters, thrive and seek the spotlight. Trendsetter, information gatherer, pattern and principle creator, system implementor, you name it. ENTPs are more system-oriented at work and might brush aside team spirit.
Empowered by your optimism, innovation, and vision, you are among the most original leaders, and you tend to attract a special crowd of people with your eloquent communication. Here, your optimism, solution-oriented, and long-term vision is music to your followers who love the challenge and progress.
However, some ENTP might take their strengths to the extreme which would turn them into their weakness. Remember, while it’s great to have a big vision, it’s also important to be practical. We live in a physical world after all. So, one way to overcome this challenge would be to surround yourself with a practical team that will do the nitty gritty.
Additionally, another challenge that may arise with ENTP is their critique and focus on what needs improvement. When taken to the extreme, you can irritate your colleagues and alienate them.
Global Founders classified ENTP as innovators and mentioned UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and North Korea, President Kim Jong Un.
ENTP enjoys debates and solving crises. Steve Jobs’s “Think Different” resonates best here. In their downtime, you can spot an ENTP doing some of the following activities:
- Cycling
- Kayaking
- Networking
- Attending events
- Learning a new language
- Anything adventurous really.
Here, we have some interesting ENTP-focused quotes for you to enjoy.
“Each man must look to himself to teach him the meaning of life. It is not something discovered; it is something moulded.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“As a rule, I am very careful to be shallow and conventional where depth and originality are wasted.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery
“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” – Oscar Wilde
“The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” – Unknown
“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” – Dorothy Parker
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its reason for existing.” – Albert Einstein
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle

ENTP | Famous People/Celebrities
Now, there are many famous ENTPs in a variety of different genres. So, let’s have a look at some, including some fictional characters.
Entertainment (Actors, Musicians, etc.)
- Tom Hanks – American Actor
- Stephen Colbert – American comedian and talk show host
- John Cleese – British actor
- Rowan Atkinson – British actor and comedian
- Federico Fellini – Italian director
- Neil Patrick Harris – American actor and entertainer
- Martin Scorsese – American director
- Alfred Hitchcock – British director, producer and screenwriter
- Benedict Cumberbatch – British actor
- Chris Rock – American comedian
- The Edge (U2) – Irish musician
- Dave Matthews – American singer-songwriter
- Harry Connick Jr – American singer
Leaders and Politicians
- Theodore Roosevelt – Former US President
- Catherine the Great – Leader of Russia
- Alexander the Great – Macedonian general and king
- Edmund Burke – English political philosopher
Philosophers and Authors
- Socrates – Greek philosopher
- David Hume – Scottish philosopher
- Dorothy L. Sayers – English mystery novelist
- Samuel Butler – English novelist
A Few Worthy Mentions from Other Fields
- Karl Lagerfeld – German fashion designer
- Babe Ruth – American baseball player
- Thomas Edison – American inventor
- Leonardo da Vinci – Italian artist and inventor
- James Dyson – British inventor and designer
Fictional Characters
In addition to real-life examples, there are fictional characters out there with the ENTP personality type.
- Felicity Smoke – Arrow
- Captain Jack Sparrow – Pirates of the Caribbean
- Tyrion Lannister – Games of Thrones
- Tony Stark – Iron Man
- Saul Goodman – Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul
- Sirius Black – Harry Potter series
- The 10th Doctor (Played by David Tennant) – Doctor Who
However, if you don’t resonate with them, take your pick with the ENTP Personality database. They have a comprehensive ENTP famous and fictional characters list for you to look at. And, one of them might surprise you!
Action Plan
So, now that you know yourself better, let’s help you step into the world, your new world, with an action plan. Let’s make sure that you are the best version of yourself. We at Making Business Matter strongly support personal and professional growth.
Primarily, as a manager, colleague, or partner working as a supplier, we want to help you by giving you an action plan specially created for ENTP supply managers working in the UK. Here, in our free guide, you will learn about work-based activities, receive a roadmap for line managers to support their teams, and our 5-level evaluation (chain of evidence) to show the ROI of our training (they stick!).
In fact, stop everything you are doing and act now. Whether you are at work or home, ask the people you are surrounded by to do a small project with you for the next 10 minutes. So, it can be anything, from designing a marketing campaign to cleaning a room. Here, the key is for them to divide the teams into two groups: extroverts and introverts. And, your goal is to simply observe. After you do the exercise, send us a Facebook message to receive feedback.

Wrap Up
In conclusion, ENTP seeks External Understanding. Also, ENTP seeks Truth. In addition, they are charismatic supporters of ideas and possibilities.
In this complete guide, you have discovered the ENTP meaning, your character type (ENTP) or the ENTP personality type of your partner, or of your colleague.
Now, you intimately know ENTP: strengths, weaknesses, and how to communicate with an ENTP to get the most out of the relationship. Also, you know what stresses ENTP out, the ideal ENTP compatibility, and what and how to develop to become the best version of yourself. Additionally, you found out about the 5th dimension (ENTP-t and ENTP-a), ENTP famous people, took the ENTP test, saw ENTP careers and hobbies, the difference between ENTP vs INFJ, and even some ENTP quotes. Now, that’s what an ultimate guide is all about!
So, follow us on LinkedIn, and we’ll send you The Negotiation Magic P.I.L.L. and a 15-minute Strategy Call for ultimate negotiation tactics (no fluff, only making business matter).
Updated: December 2023 by Ailish O’Rourke-Henriette