CIPD Level 7: Achieve HR Greatness & Champion Great Work


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Achieve Your CIPD Level 7 With Our Help

A client kindly shared their CIPD submissions to achieve their Level 7 in HR. With the help of this client, we would like to share these with you to help others with their HR journey and champion your progression.

About CIPD Level 7

CIPD has been championing better work and working lives, for more than 100 years. By setting professional standards for HR and people development. As well as driving positive change in the world of work.

CIPD Level 7 is a post-graduate level qualification that is designed to enable you to develop and implement creative strategic HR solutions in your workplace. You will further develop your leadership skills to ensure you are capable of engaging members of staff. You will learn good practice strategies for ethical staff recruitment, selection and dismissal. The final project will involve investigating a HR problem within your own organisation, and developing recommendations and solutions based on primary and secondary research.

Why Get CIPD Certified?

  • CIPD is highly valued by employers as the course can help you develop a business understanding that employers look for.
  • It increases your earning potential.
  • It shows commitment to both your personal and professional development.
  • CIPD is relevant and practical.
  • It is a globally recognised qualification.

Below are the module submissions kindly shared by our client. We hope this helps you on your journey to being a great HR manager.

Organisational Design and Development

According to Lock (2022), the global tourism and travel sector is one of the most economically significant industries, contributing a huge $4.67 trillion to the world’s Gross Domestic Products (GDP). As an industry it is not easy to define as there is not one clear product, which is similarly reflected in the variety of services delivered by The Travel Group.

Three work employees organising post-it notes on glass screen
Companies reviewing their organisational practices and development is key to great HR


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Leadership Management and Development

When considering the contribution leadership development can make as opposed to management development, it is useful to explore the differences between the two, as people can often mistakenly think they are the same thing. Nowadays there is a wealth of theory relating to this subject, however it was back in 1990 that Kotter famously made the distinction between the two.


Block figures piled up with one lit up on top
The difference between leadership and management is explored in this module


Employment Law

There are a number of potential legal risks in pursuing redundancies associated with the four individual employees who have raised concerns about their likely dismissals. Taking each one in turn, I have outlined these in detail below.

Brown wooden gavel on the surface with a pile of books
Employment law is the next module in the CIPD 7 diploma


Developing Skills for Business Leadership

This slide is designed to provide an overview of the information outlined in my CV and cover letter by way of an introduction. If I were to summarise my biggest strengths in relation to this role, it would be my ability to adapt and flex to the needs of the business I am working with or within.

Confident leader standing next to employee
This module of the level 7 diploma is about business leadership skills


Resourcing and Retention Strategy Proposal

As a rapid growing budget hotel chain, we are at a pivotal moment in our evolution, and our success in providing the high-quality service our customers have come to expect is reliant upon our people being adequately equipped to provide that experience.

HR hands around a group of wooden figures representing employees
This next module is on staff retention and a resourcing strategy

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