The Belief Formula: A Simple Route to Achieving Your Business Goals
Are you failing to achieve the goals you set out for your business?
The Belief Formula may help.
This four-part equation will help dig deeper and allow you to understand the strength of your belief in your business goals. The 4 parts to the Belief Formula that will help you achieve your business goals are:
- Expectation
- Desire
- Clarity
- Challenges

Part 1 – Expectation
Expectation is about how much you believe you will achieve your business goals. The dictionary defines ‘expect’ as:
‘To look forward to; regard as likely to happen; anticipate the occurrence or the coming of.’
For example, ‘I expect to read it. I expect him later’.
It is also, to look for with reason or justification. For instance, ‘we expect obedience’. Lastly, it is used informally, to suppose or surmise and guess. For instance, ‘I expect that you are tired from the trip’.

How much do you expect that you will achieve your business goals? This part of the equation is about your expectation. Score your expectation for achieving your business goals as low, medium or high. Alternatively, if you prefer, use a percentage. You can increase your expectation by using some of the tools below.
Part 2 – Desire
This is about how much you desire your business goals. The dictionary defines ‘desire’ as:
‘To wish or long for; crave; want. To express a wish to obtain; ask for; request.’
For example, ‘the mayor desires your presence at the next meeting’.
It’s also a longing or craving for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment, perhaps a desire for fame.

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How much do you desire your business goals? This part of the equation is about your desire. Score your desire low, medium or high, or, if you prefer, a percentage. You can increase your desire by using some of the tools below.
Part 3 – Clarity
This is about how much clarity you have of your business goals. The dictionary defines ‘clarity’ as:
‘Clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity. The state or quality of being clear or transparent to the eye; pellucidity: the clarity of pure water.’

How much clarity do you have for your business goals? This part of the equation is about how clear your goals are. Score your clarity as low, medium or high, or, if you prefer, a percentage. You can increase the clarity of your business goals by using some of the tools below.
Part 4 – Challenges
This is about the challenges you see on the journey to achieving your business goals.
The dictionary defines ‘challenges’ as:
‘Something that by its nature or character serves as a call to battle, contest, special effort, etc.’
For example, a call to fight, as a battle, a duel, etc.
It is also the demand to explain, justify, etc. For instance, a challenge to the treasurer to itemise expenditures.

How many challenges do you face? To what extent do they stop you achieving your business goal? This part of the equation is about the obstacles you see. Score your ability to overcome your challenges as low, medium or high, or, if you prefer, a percentage. You can reduce the perception of the enormity of these challenges by using some of the tools below.
5 Tools to Increase Your Belief in Your Goals:
Below, you will find a few useful tools and strategies to help you increase your belief and fulfil your business goals. You might want to refer to the parts of the equation you have rated yourself low and use these tools to upgrade your scoring.
1. Rap Your Goals
Simon Woodroffe rapped his goals – Maybe that’s an idea?!
2. Mindstore
Mindstore is a fabulous programme of books, seminars, and audio is led by the founder Jack Black and is highly recommended as a means of helping you to understand your goals and achieve them.
3. See Your Goal Every Day
In the 1950’s large brands used subliminal advertising to get us to buy their products. This form of advertising has been deemed illegal because it works. If seeing a quick flash of a brand, almost unnoticed by our conscious mind, can be effective, how effective can it be to see your goal every day? The answer is ‘Very Effective’.

4. Affirmations
Affirmations are a key plank of Buddhism. Whilst it may sound too ‘out there’, simply saying your goals out loud each day will help you appeal to your visual and auditory learning input. If you were to write your goal each day also, you would appeal to all 3 learning input modes, Auditory, Visual and kinaesthetic.
5. Alpha State
Entering the alpha state will help you believe more because you’ll be in a more receptive state. You can do this by simply putting your tongue in a different place in your mouth and also putting some fingers together. Jack Black taught me this. It works.