Are You a Great Category Manager?
Category management is about identifying opportunities, selling opportunities, and landing opportunities that drive category sales and profit. Complete this Category Manager e-Assessment to learn more about how you can improve your approach, following this tried and tested 7-stage model.
The concept of Category Management or Category Planning originated in the late 1980s. It followed the research of the father of Category Management Brian F. Harris, a former professor at the University of Southern California. This Category Management process then greatly changed how retailers and suppliers worked. Read more in our Ultimate Guide to Category Management.
This Category Manager e-Assessment will take you through 7 scenarios and ask you to capture your typical behaviours from 4 choices. The assessment should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and will share with you the preferred actions of Category Management Experts, allowing you to see what great looks like so you can adapt your approach to Category Management.
Category Manager e-Assessment
The MBM 73% Funnel
Our research into Category Management landing opportunities arrived at an astonishing conclusion.

‘73% of opportunities fail to make it in-store’
Often due to a lack of understanding of the needs, motivations, and barriers of the shopper. Here at MBM, we devised the funnel to help Category Managers focus, and ‘funnel down,’ on what is important. The idea is that by following this process, you will develop a greater shopper understanding. This Category Manager e-Assessment will help you identify how you can improve your approach.
This, in turn, will help increase the landing rate of opportunities that reach the store. In essence, we believe Category Management is a ‘business as usual’ process that is there to ‘identify,’ ‘sell’, and ‘land’ more opportunities.
Category Management Training
If you like our Category Manager e-Assessment, take a look at our Category Management Training or how our online e-Learning Category Course can help you to identify more opportunities, sell more opportunities, and land more opportunities.
Please contact us for further information.