MBM Featured in KamCity
Regular readers of the MBM blog will know that we are passionate about self-development. Sometimes, however, it is nice to share our insight with others. Our founder, Darren A. Smith is a regular guest author in KamCity. He shares his unique blend of humour, industry experience and a dogged passion for self-improvement to help their readers maximise their potential and become the very best version of themselves.
About KamCity
EMR-NAMNEWS Ltd. is a UK company formed in 1980 with the aim of elevating the art of Customer Management within the FMCG market. For over 30 years, they have been providing high-level Account Management training for FMCG Business Managers, and conduct a wide range of in-house training assignments for an extensive international client base.
You can explore each article below:
Common Mistakes Account Managers Make #1 – Know Your Customer
It would seem so obvious, almost childish or even churlish to have to point out that in our experience the single most common mistake that account managers make when sitting down in front of their buyers is a lack of detailed knowledge about them and/or the companies they work for.
The very worst offenders are new, potential suppliers, often from overseas who seem to have the impression that buyers are there as welcoming gatekeepers to show them and help them gain access to the UK market.
This article was published by KamCity on the 21st May 2019. You can access the full article about Common Mistakes Account Managers Make via KamCity. Alternatively, you can view it on our blog.

Common Mistakes Account Managers Make #2 – Sell What They Need
The very low point of my week as a supermarket buyer often came at 4pm on a wet, dull, winter Thursday.
Having already had seven boring – to the point of wanting to chew your own feet off – presentations from suppliers that day, up comes number eight, the last of the day – what a relief!
The NAM quite literally bounds into the room like Tigger on speed, super excited and hyper-energetic – so much so that you wonder what are they are on? – and please can I have some!
This article was published by KamCity on the 21st June 2019. You can access the full article on the selling mistake account managers make via KamCity. Alternatively, you can view it on our blog.
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Common Mistakes Account Managers Make #3 – Plan to Negotiate
‘No!’ – the one, tiny word guaranteed to strike terror into the very heart of any account manager. Buyers are there to do deals – it’s their job title after all! – You may not think it, but they really don’t like to say ‘no’ too often. Saying ‘no’ too regularly can lead to missed opportunities and investment which can then be subsequently taken up by their competitors. Even worse and often terminally career limiting, the result of too many ‘noes’ too often can be empty shelves!
They much prefer therefore to say ‘yes…but’ quickly followed by trotting out one of the oldest tactics in the buying book – the venerable ‘Oliver Twist’ tactic of saying ‘Yes, but……. I want more!’
This article was published by KamCity on the 24th July 2019. You can access the article about account managers’ mistakes in planning to negotiate via KamCity. Alternatively, you can view it on our blog.

Common Mistakes Account Managers Make #4 – Promo Calendar
Whilst most typical people – Buyers and NAM’s – are relaxing and sunning themselves on beaches around world – there is that strange pale skinned breed of people who are busy working away deep in the sunless bowels of the big supermarkets on next year’s budgets – yes, the bean counters!
Most of the big six supermarkets financial years start in the first three calendar months of each year and therefore budget and business planning starts just before the summer break and gets going in earnest with the heavy thud of the ‘top down’ corporate budget as a cheerful welcome back from holiday for Buyers, lots of love, courtesy of the Finance team!
This article was published by KamCity on the 4th September 2019. You can access the fourth article in the series about Promo calendar via KamCity. Alternatively, you can view it on our blog.