Addressing Performance Reviews in Effective Ways
Using 360 Feedback is great for encouraging performance reviews in your organisation.
However, how can we know that we’re getting it right?
In this article, we will look at many aspects of this particular process including:
- What 360 performance reviews are
- How these reviews work and why they are important
- What different steps to take to make them work effectively
- Potential barriers you may face using this process
- Sample 360 feedback sections and questions
Having used this performance review process for many years, I recommend that you review all aspects of what we cover in this article. You will understand every element that can make this process successful.
What is a 360 Feedback Process?

360 feedback is part of our performance management system. It helps provide timely and effective feedback to employees at all levels of the organisation.
The process involves the following:
- Get feedback anonymously from multiple direct contacts who work alongside the said employee.
- Include people from all sides. This can be managers, direct reports, and peers. In some cases, and depending on the person’s role, customers are also asked to contribute.
- Create a format that is easy to follow.
- Include areas such as communication, interpersonal skills, and other important key competencies and soft skills.
Now, development is the primary purpose of using 360 feedback. Therefore, avoid using it when conducting performance appraisals for rewards or promotions.
Use it as a tool to create a development plan for improving skills and knowledge. Combine this process with other performance reviews for the best assessment of employee performance.
Remove the need for feedback from just one person, which is usually the direct leader. Instead, multiple people involved with the employee give their input.
Additionally, 360 feedback is a multi-rater process that focuses on key strengths and areas of improvement. We use it to address many soft skills, as well as potential leadership and growth areas for the individual.

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Why is This Process Important?
In my experience, performance appraisals are often one-sided. They usually only consider the leader’s point of view when rating the employee.
But with 360 feedback, we use the point of view of multiple people. This provides a more evenly selected balance of feedback about performance areas.
Therefore, there are several reasons why this process is important:
#1: Identify Strengths and Areas of Improvement
Firstly, because of the many areas 360 feedback reviews cover, it can give clarity to where our strengths and areas of improvement lie. This will truly allow us to create a development plan that can achieve success moving forward.
Development at all levels of the organisation is important and time should be invested in making that happen. And, 360 feedback allows us to achieve that more effectively.
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#2: Increase Self-awareness
Next, during this feedback process, the employee and others involved share their direct feedback on each other’s performance.
In many cases, we consider that we have the same perspective as our leaders and peers. However, once the results are shared, we find that we score lower in an area we consider to be a strength.
Receiving this type of feedback from one person can feel subjective during the review process. However, we become more aware of where change is needed when we receive it knowing multiple insights have been shared.
#3: Encourages Conversations About Performance
Then, upon receiving the results, now is the time to start planning the next step. Specifically, the development of an action plan that will allow change and growth to happen.
The process needs conversations to happen so targets and objectives can be set and the action plan is created. Follow the steps below to give structure to these conversations.
- Receive the report.
- Set a date for review of the report with the employee.
- Ensure all sections are available for review.
- Highlight strengths and areas of improvement to create balance in the conversation.
- Ask the employee for their feedback about the results.
- Confirm a date for creating the development action plan.
- Support and encourage the employee throughout the entire process.
These conversations acknowledge areas of improvement and action that are needed to achieve them. Without these conversations, we fail to create agreement and understanding on all sides concerned.
#4: Promotes Future Development Opportunities
Also, as a development tool, the entire process focuses on future development opportunities.
The process promotes looking to the future for how we can enhance our different performance areas.
In this way, ensure the format allows for effective analysis to focus on the future. Use the process as a constructive way to improve our current roles.
Thus, you create opportunities for future growth in the organisation.
As you can see, many benefits exist for using this tool.
5 Steps to Making 360 Feedback Effective

There are important steps to follow to make 360 feedback effective.
#1: Create an Effective Format
First, create a format that is easy to use. This is key to success.
Avoid over-complicating the whole procedure. There are online resources that are available to help.
- Check for available material that meets your needs.
- Tailor the material to suit your approach to what areas you will cover.
- Next, ensure the wording is properly proofread and is user-friendly.
- Have a key administrator who is overseeing the entire process.
These steps will allow you to create a format that meets your needs.
#2: Select the Group that will Conduct the Review
Next, with the launch of the process, select the correct people to conduct the reviews of their peers, colleagues, or leaders.
Now, you need to consider the following to achieve success:
- Select people who work directly with the person being evaluated. They must have regular, direct contact with them.
- For bigger teams, avoid using everyone for every evaluation. The time needed to conduct these reviews will be overly time-consuming.
- Make sure everyone involved gets clear guidelines and instructions on how to complete the review.
- Reassure everyone about the feedback remaining anonymous.
- Require everyone to rate others to keep all scores and comments fair and relevant.
#3: Conduct Self-assessment
Now, it is the turn of the employee being assessed. Every employee must complete a self-assessment as part of the process. Then, combine their feedback with the feedback provided by others in the final report.
These self-assessments need to follow the above-mentioned guidelines like other rates follow. Also, they need to:
- Be honest in the self-assessment.
- Avoid over-scoring – this will not help the overall results.
- Give examples in the comments sections that support any high or low scores they give to themselves.
- Use self-awareness of strengths and areas of improvement to give actual scores and feedback.
#4: Review Results
So, now we have the results. But, how to review them properly?
Maintain anonymity. Meaning, discussions about the results do not include everyone who provided feedback. Instead, the employee who was assessed and their direct leader have the conversation.
In this way, nobody is put on the spot or placed in an awkward situation by having their “anonymous” feedback easily identified.
These conversations lead to the next important step, the action plan creation.
#5: Create Development Action Plan
Finally, start creating the development action plan based on the scores and feedback provided. Some very important points to remember for this step:
- Ensure the action plan has achievable SMART goals.
- Include the employee directly in creating the plan.
- Avoid overloading the plan with too many action steps that can feel overwhelming.
- Kickstart the action plan with a couple of quick-fix actions.
- Support the employee throughout the development process.
- Conduct regular catch-up sessions to check progress.
- Realign any action plan steps as required to stay on track.
- Offer coaching and training opportunities for the areas of improvement.

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Potential Pitfalls to Overcome

It is important to know some of the potential pitfalls that you can face using the 360 feedback process.
#1: Take Your Time to Implement the Process
Proper time and effort must be invested to make this 360 feedback process work effectively. Without the proper time investment, your results will not have proper meaning.
Therefore follow the below tips for better results.
- Avoid rushing the process.
- Be ready for delays in the rollout.
- Test the process with a smaller group before sharing it with the whole organisation.
- Ensure the format is easy to use at all levels – avoid overly complicated phrases.
Remember, you need input per person from multiple contributors. Therefore, only look at using 360 feedback when you have the proper time to invest in the full process.
#2: Lack of Rater Effectiveness
Where time can be one pitfall, another is the effectiveness of the people conducting the reviews.
Here are some obstacles to be aware of to be able to overcome them for better results.
- Lack of confidence in providing feedback effectively.
- Fear of upsetting a colleague with the feedback you provide.
- Lack of knowledge about the process.
There are ways to overcome these challenges.
- Provide effective training for all raters before starting the process.
- Run sample tests to check the effectiveness of the completion of the form.
- Provide feedback to anyone not following the guidelines correctly.
- Guarantee that the results remain anonymous to promote honest feedback is given.
Ensure your raters are competent and ready for the experience. Also,
#3: Reluctance to Rate Your Peers
Now we can face another issue regarding 360 feedback. Peers can be reluctant to review and evaluate each other. This can be for several reasons such as:
- Fear of having their feedback identified.
- Retaliation for providing lower scores or comments about improvements.
- Know they will receive negative feedback from certain colleagues.
- Clash of personalities that allow some to use the process to vent.
- Lack of knowledge about how to provide feedback effectively.
So, there are actions you can take to prevent these issues from making the process ineffective.
- As mentioned, provide effective training for everyone involved in the process.
- Next, conduct communication meetings about the process for proper understanding.
- Then, identify potential negative attacks that can happen.
- Also, select the raters carefully, keeping workplace relationships in mind.
- Finally, lead by example and show others how to use the process properly.
#4: Feeling Overwhelmed by the Workload
So, the 360 feedback process takes time. Investment is necessary, from everyone involved. This often creates a barrier for many from using the process for development purposes.
So, follow the guidelines below for better experiences.
- Recognise the time it will take to set up the process.
- Set clear goals and timeframes to follow to meet your targets for launch.
- Make the targets realistic so people can achieve them.
- Conduct regular checks on progress throughout the development process.
- Realign the timeframes as required without rushing the process.
- Invest in using external consultants or materials, if your budget allows.
All of these potential barriers can be overcome. Simply, find the solutions that meet your needs based on any concerns you identify.
Sample 360 Feedback Sections and Questions

In this section, review the examples of sample sections and questions you can include in your format moving forward.
Guidelines for Writing 360 Feedback Formats
First, questions used in 360 feedback forms are closed questions. Therefore, the replies will be “yes/no” options and scores from 1-5 or 1-10.
Next, sections are divided clearly into specific skill sets. For example, leadership, communication, problem-solving, etc.
Also, the form can include comment sections. Here, use open-ended questions to direct the comments and keep them relevant.
Leadership Skills Examples
Ask questions such as the following:
- Does the employee provide solutions to customer problems?
- Is the employee proactive in preventing problems from reoccurring?
- Can the employee lead others effectively?
- Does the employee manage stress well during difficult situations?
- Does the employee lead by example through their actions and communication?
Communication Skills Examples
Include these or similar questions for this section for your 360 feedback:
- Does the employee listen actively to others?
- Is the employee easy to understand, both verbally and in writing?
- Does the employee create an environment where issues can be raised without fear?
Efficiency Skills Examples
Here, see the below examples that can guide you:
- Does the employee respect timeframes and deadlines?
- Can the employee perform their tasks to a high standard?
- Is the employee able to react effectively to last-minute requests?
- Does the employee follow proper procedures and guidelines to complete tasks?
Comments Section Example
Comment sections are also helpful for gaining more insight into the scores given. However, the process includes clear guidelines on how to complete the comment sections.
- First, choose if the comments will feature in each section or just at the end of the form.
- Second, use open-ended questions to guide the rater.
- Next, avoid limiting the comment section to a maximum number of characters. This prevents the rater from providing effective or complete feedback.
Also, ask for examples of how their comments support their scores to create relevance.
Finally, instruct raters to keep comments respectful and specific. Ensure no inappropriate language is used at any time. Encourage raters to offer constructive comments instead of just criticising.
To Conclude 360 Feedback
In conclusion, 360 feedback processes are useful when done the right way.
As a development tool, they create structure and direction for us to follow in terms of progress and growth. However, remember the following points:
- Invest the proper amount of time to make the process work effectively.
- Train and prepare everyone involved in the process.
- Ensure all guidelines for rating others are clear and easy to follow.
- Create a user-friendly format.
- Use closed and open-ended questions in the right way.
- Avoid overloading the format with too many sections and questions.
- Research sample questions and formats such as we have shared in this article for help.
So, best of luck moving forward and with launching the 360 feedback. Use it in your organisation or with your immediate team. Contact MBM for more resources on 360 feedback practices and formats.